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    YOUR WORDS! Melissa McCarthy saved last night for me. I thought the episode was fine, but Kristen Stewart wasn't so great. That Spicer sketch was absolute genius.

    Yeah, they've done that dating thing before. I remember "Bland Man" and "Farm Hunk" being two renditions of it.

    Fairly standard ep. Pretty great opening and Tina Fey saving the monologue was wasted as the show went on. Weekend Update fell really flat this week I thought, too. And where the heck is Moynihan?!

    This just hit me this evening too! Something about how Grammer was in this episode reminded me of the yesteryear of Frasier and how great that show once was.

    Kate McKinnon in the Clinton sketch and the Krinklemaus sketch were the top of the night, though the openings with Trump don't seem to be losing any momentum thanks to how insane Trump continues to be. Sad to see Bobby relegated to a quick Santa cameo. He needs to bring back Randy Candy!

    While I agree, the episode certainly points to "he did it," I still find it odd that the reason he headed upstairs to bash one out in the first place was because of an adult girl in a bikini on TV… I think it's deliberately not making it cut and clear to properly ask: if he didn't do it, what was done to him is

    Through Donald's Eyes was absolutely the stand out for the night. It's one of the season's best sketches, but alas, tis no David S. Pumpkins.


    Another stellar Kate McKinnon night. Debette Goldry is one of her best, I prefer it to Barbara DeDrew (cat lady) and it has so much more to work with. The "blew him" end was the best laugh of the night. The Hillary-tracker sketch was perfect, too. Stone did a solid hosting job, probably my favorite after Hanks this

    I thought the same. Wonder what it was…

    Easily the best of the night for me. I had high hopes for this episode, but beyond this and the Target sketch, it was pretty average. McKinnon breaking mid-nipple squeeze was delightful, too.

    I thought he might be gay and was still in the closet so worried about being outed. Then the final fight scene made me realise…

    This showed McKinnon's acting chops which can get hidden behind her comedic brilliance. I kept imaging another split screen sketch of both Hillary and Trump's camps watching the results and neither knowing what to do, but that would have almost been hollow. Having McKinnon perform to represent what we just lost was

    Bobby has been used so sparingly this season it's nuts. Last night's Weekend Update would have been perfect for a Drunk Uncle return. I'm guessing he's off for greener pastures this summer.

    I have no idea why, but I think my brain won't let me fully enjoy another SNL this season unless there's a cameo from David S. Pumpkins.

    I had high hopes for Cumberbatch, but everything fell flat. Especially when you consider the previous episode was the best in years. Even the election special open was the worst of the season so far, despite it being their last hurrah. I will say McKinnon as a blad Tilda Swinton needs to make a return at some point…

    I love how Bayer delivered that line. Perfection.

    I was excited for this season, but the trailer put me off. I just hope it's better than they can possibly promote in a short hodgepodge of clips.

    Definitely preferred the season opener. Hoping for Aunt Gayle to make an appearance soon, too.

    That was RANDY CANDY and don't you forget it!