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    The Mad Max is the first episode of R&M (and luckily still the only one) that I didn't laugh once at. It was full of insanely fast cuts and ended nowhere. There was no real payoff. With Pickle Rick, the concept was another movie parody, but the B-story was excellent juxtaposed to the insane violence of Rick's story

    Perfect comment. It makes my mind boggle that this season is getting amazing reviews when it's churning out total garbage. Mad Max parody and this was at the level of current Family Guy - gratuitous violence that has zero pay off, almost no real funny jokes and the same movie-parody story that goes nowhere. How this

    I guess not being quite as bad as the Mad Max episode is a sort of a win for R&M this season… For me this is like watching current Simpsons after enjoing the first 9 seasons.

    100%. This episode wasn't as bad as the Mad Max disaster but it still fell so flat and empty. Season 1 and the first half of season 2 had such amazing stories that varied week to week that were filled with the best one-liners. Those one-liners were there (Rick at the meeting before the mission mostly), but it's just

    Katy Perry personifies blandness so I wasn't so shocked when she strained her way through two songs I'd never heard. At least when Lady Gaga did the gig before Christmas, I only knew one of the songs but she was able to sing and perform both well enough to be entertaining. Miley Cyrus would have been a better option

    The first half of this episode really was A-quality, making use of David S Pumpkins was the icing on the cake. Bobby's Drunk Uncle on Weekend Update hit better than Beyer's meteorologist because he has more to work with, but both did well. It went a bit haywire from there, I felt both of the last two sketches felt

    Jordan Schlansky is a what every chat show needs on their staff roster

    Despite being the most prominent, even nostalgia can't hide the fact that Jimmy has always been one of the weakest cast members ever on SNL. He was fine with Tina carrying him on Weekend Update but otherwise he has never been a star player. Shame this ep fell so flat, the two times I enjoyed it was the female

    Fairly decent episode, MVP was Baldwin as O'Reilly for sure. Those mannerisms like the forward head tilt, and how he can get the smarmy inflections just right was fantastic. Better than his Trump, easily.

    This was head and shoulders above last week, easily a B episode. ScarJo was excellent, especially on her feet with the pug sketch. Kate's blowfish mermaid and Jeff Sessions were the best characters, but the team effort in the Olive Garden sketch was up there too. Keenan was probably my MVP tonight.

    Ditto. This episode had far too much bad to be saved.

    Melissa stole the show tonight with ease once Kate finished the opening. Glad she's getting more screentime and not being relegated to Moynihan status. The last two sketches were among the worst one-two punch of crappiness in a long time, not even Kate's Kellyanne in the bumpers could save them. The worst thing about

    Re-read your comment and see how hilariously mental you got. Lady Gaga sings a song about gay rights, reviewer correctly calls it an LGBTQ anthem, you pretend it isn't because you preferred Madonna doing the same thing (already lost all sense by this point), I call you for trivialising someone's activism because of

    "An anthem according to her. Did we have a rainbow vote on this?" Was this you… not rejecting it as an LGBTQ anthem?

    I said Madge used to not be embarrassing in music and pop culture like she is today. Gaga has been an overtly gay-oriented act from her first dance-pop track, so she decided to write an empowerment anthem that didn't beat around the bush and directly referenced the LGBTQ community (among others). You rejecting it as a

    There's a cover by Halestorm that shows what a rocker version of that song could have been… and it's epic.

    The gayest SB was Diana Ross' in 1996. It turned millions homosexual!

    BTW is an LGBTQ anthem, regardless of whether or not you live your life trying to remind people that Madonna used to not be an embarrassment to pop culture and music. "We older gays" aren't spoken for by people who trivialize anyone's LGBTQ activism into a fight about how Madge is apparently the be-all and end-all of

    Baldwin was solid as ever and Kate was MVP yet again. Her Kellyanne sketch and her Liz Warren impression were both spectacular. I'm liking that we're getting little bits of Moynihan lately, but I wish he was given more actual character screen time. He's such a wasted cast member. I was glad they added to McCarthy's

    After careful reflection, I think that Spicer sketch actually managed to top David S. Pumpkins this season, which I didn't think was possible. Best sketch, literally, in years.