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    Bobby's peak is normally on Update for me - Drunk Uncle (of course) and Anthony Crispino (second hand news guy) are two gems, but they get old pretty quickly. He's normally a standout when he gets the chance, but he's been very much in the background last season and so far this season. I thought he might get more time

    Emily's inability to not laugh at her oopsie doopsie catchphrase made for infectious laughter! Does anyone else feel they're relying on McKinnon too much? She's easily the best cast member right now, but this is her sixth season right? She can't have much longer to hang around and her loss will be a massive void in

    It seems like they've no dark weeks planned until after November 12th to get as much election steam as possible.

    Agree about the monologue. The last time a musical opening worked that well was Gaga's hosting gig with the New York, New York/Applause bit.

    Garth and Kat was incredible the first couple of times. Then it get old, fast.

    He managed to pull down Fey, who normally always delivers with these bits.

    She could certainly clean up these comments of yours with correct grammar. Might get her another gong or two.

    Sounds like Gaga personally raped you or something. Gaga's contributions were likely more on the arranging and production-side, something that apparently doesn't matter to the musical Gods who give out Emmy Awards.

    Because Diane Warren keeps going to voting members front lawns and urinating on their tulips in protest of them all ignoring rape victims by refusing to nominate her track. "And the BET award goes to…"

    Considering the Oscars already took a giant dump on the song by awarding their gong to that catastrophically bad Earth Song rip-off by Smith, the Emmys might as well thrown Warren a bone and let her have this.

    Save for I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, though she has since said she hates most of the lyrics she wrote for that song.

    Thank flip for your name-dropping (and link-dropping) A Muppet Family Christmas, one of the most underrated holiday specials ever.