
She's a great character and Christin Milioti does an amazing job with her. I'm really worried about that nap she's taking. Will it be the placebo or the real drug? Either way, it's sadly ironic.

Stray observation: Somewhere around the scene when Peggy is picking up her car, there's a cover of "Let's Find Each Other Tonight," by Jose Feliciano. In the film, Jose does that tune in a bar, where Carl entertains a hooker. Someone else must have noticed that (but there's a lot of comments, soooo…okay then.)

Check again. There are a couple of shots out there on the Web. One's from a distance and one's when Glenn's head is right there.

You can under that dumpster. Most don't have that much space underneath. It's no random thing that this one does. Besides, Yuen has been on set and photos show him in future episodes.

No, no, no. This was a GREAT psych-out. They shouldn't try it again, but if you really study the scene, it's quite clear Glenn's guts aren't yanked out of his body - especially since his intestines aren't likely in his chest. It's Nicholas who's torn to pieces.

Whoever's involved, if they don't have stretch marks or episiotomy scars, they're disqualified. They should have mastered the most high tech breast pumps and shop for milk-absorbing pads at Victoria's Secret, as well.

I pressed play on this episode very late at night, when I was super-tired and pretty much expected to fall asleep. It went by like 5 minutes and kept me awake. Kudos. Sometimes I snooze through this show. Not last night.

I miss Jessica Lange and really don't like Gaga. But I watched with (horrified) interest and look forward to more. In all my years, I don't think I've ever seen such gruesome TV. It's gonna take the sting out of The Walking Dead's season premiere this Sunday.

That look on Saul's face didn't bode well, did it?

Ooooh. Ya! You betcha!

I'm one of those BrBa fans who's seen every episode many, many times. I can almost recite the whole series word for word. And so, I knew last week that this woman had to be his daughter-in-law, especially after we hear Mike's got a dead son. I put two and two together and pretty much figured out the entire backstory.

You mean, "So there's THAT."

I think Lip lost his pedestal when he more than forgave Mandy for what she did to Karen. That was some awful stuff and everyone moves on like nothing happened.

JimmySteve was only interesting when he was literally willing to step in crap to be part of Fiona's "ghetto life." He'll need to bring something else to the table this time.

Kirsten Dunst rides up on a dirt bike and waves "hello."

If she can be as crazy, sarcastic and/or intuitive as Justine in Melancholia, well, ya, you betcha, very good then.

As the user name suggests, I'm a big fan. But there are only two studio albums I'll play. Everything else I prefer live. Studio/radio versions don't do 'em justice.

And Minarets, The Stone, JTR, The Dreaming Tree, Recently, Drunken Soldier, Seek Up, Squirm, Song That Jane Likes….

Actually, I think the correct answer is, "Why are you spending so much time on a band you don't like? Is there anything you DO like? Could you spend your time on THAT?" kthnxbi

I was never a big fan of Sandler (not that I spent much of my time on the Internet discussing my disinterest) and then, the other night, I saw "Reign Over Me." Try it. At least for Don Cheadle. Sandler's work, in his heartbreaking, dramatic role, is shockingly good.