
Yes, it was. In one second, she reverted to the old Pennsatucky. I never wanted to like her in the first place, but then I did and now? UGH! :(

Good point, which my roomie made as we watched. But it's probably not waste in VM's eyes. He could digest and defecate, rather than binge and purge, but that's still his food, unavailable to other hungry mouths. His bulimia, like his greed, must be satisfied. He will waste food - and people - to get what pleases him.

"God hates fags." Are they blaming this new order on the Phelps family "church"? Bwahaha! Perfect!

I loved the way Blondie's Heart of Glass was used in the protest/shootout scene involving June and Moira. It was as if the old world was hanging on by a thread, and the audible lines depicted a hopeless situation.

Comparisons to BrBa always invited! Yes, we were suppposed to lose sympathy for Walt. Some of us did. Others declared him a badass and turned on anyone who stood in his way -even the world's most huggable criminal, Jesse.

I was blissfully unaware of Samira in the opening credits. That's dumb. As for Healy, he's in a psych ward, so it's no surprise he wasn't there. Probably respectful to keep him in the credits. He'll be back. (I would really liked to have seen how he and Red weathered the storm.)

As for Leanne vs. Tucky, we used to hate Tucky more. Then she turned herself around, not that it made her any smarter. THEN we liked Tucky. Now she's turned again, not because of falling for her rapey boyfriend, but because of the abuse by her fellow prisoners. Rekindling her relationship with Donuts is not so much a

Not saying they don't deserve time. But they don't deserve guys like Piscatella, seg, unhealthy living conditions and death.

Other people make bad choices but don't get caught. See Linda's frozen sorority sister and Piscatella's murder by scalding water. Piscatella remained free to torture others. Meanwhile, Bayley is trying so hard to punish himself for a death he never meant to cause.

It's not okay, but it's normal conversation for these characters, which is sad.

It's hard to digest a whole season in a binge. I've been watching it over again and remembering so much I forgot to appreciate. Everything from the CO's strip tease to Freida's survivalist upbringing to Nicky's sober and selfless love for Lorna.

Even Caputo (not the brightest bulb - thanks for giving up the old pool!) says it's not about logic. It's emotional.

But it's adrenaline. It makes sense on the surface, but I'm no doctor.

The last two episodes are nerve-wracking. Some might say that's a downside to the season, but I think it's a sign of effective storytelling.

Which comes down to Taystee, unfortunately. She did so well until that roadblock about Bayley.

Maybe MCC doesn't count well. Maybe someone isn't supposed to be there, anymore, but Piscatella blew that clambake?

The stoner character was great. He knew he was the moron.

I understand it's Ermantraub - one letter difference. But yeah - gotta be a shout-out, donchaknow.

Previews show Emma confronting Norma/n's lawyer. I think she'll see him/her.

It was probably an amazing episode. I don't know. I lost the ability to process when Quinn slumped over in the driver's seat. Rupert Friend rocked that character, most especially this season, and he'd better be on stage, next year, accepting his Emmy.