
Yes, but the one and only way he is smart is his media saavy….he's brilliant at media manipulation….the way the news works and DOESN'T work.
And he makes it work for him. I read an article yesterday that said trump and thw WH crew, spicer, conway, etc… are not at odds or at war with the press.. slowly but surely he is

In Part 2 of the FTN interview he was about to say that he likes trolling people… 'course, he called it having fun.
He also lost his thread and went off in a serious sidetrack.

No reason? the spin and the optics.
I've read all kinds of mentions of this all over and they start with "trump summons Senate"
Ya know, as if he is the all powerfull OZ.
He demands and they comply

This one really CAN be two things.

IF? If, if, if!
No wonder the spinoff didn't last.
"If Only Chaichi Loved Joanie" probably wouldn't have had the same romantic hook as "Joanie loves Chaichi"
What a fkg puke he is…. no surprise.
If, if, if only Scott Baio would realize nobody has liked, never mind loved, Chaichi since Joanie loved him.
And even then,

Really? I think the only one he ever helped was Oprah..his firm involved with jury selection got her off.
I think he's fuckin' obnoxious.
They are all into the brand.
I remember the husband of kate makes 8 broad…. after they very publically spli, was invited on the view to give his take on it.

Oh my.
And I thought "please clap" was pathetic.

It's kinda like trump throwing that kids autographed hat, it's a fucking toss up

Um, don't you mean shoot up TO 35%?

He knows what the camps with the gas chambers were called.
His statement, fucked up as it was, was typical spicer and trump….trying to talk out of both sides of their horrible, twisted maw….
he wanted to look sufficiently horrified to the MSM and the american people (the normal ones, anyway) while still not alienating

Get with the program, man.

Fuckin' bullshit.

My accross the street neighbors turned out to be members of a southern fundementalist fellowship church. They went sdo far as to advertise services, set up a hot tub baptismal, erected a tent, rows and rows of seats and brought in amplifiers for their singing and prayers. Oh, and thought nobody would object to 25-50

Yum! The pics all look good. But, boy, this is just another, in a long list, of days that I wish I was still back home, living in Boston…. home of fantastic corned beef and pastrami, too.
Instead, I am stuck in Florida.
There are still places in Boston, down by New Market Square where you can order your hand cured

Yup, see my post, upthread. I don't know if the corned beef has been somehow changed…but it comes out tough, whereas it never used to.
Go to the oven method, wrapped in foil packet, tight but with a small pocket between the folded tf top and the meat, cook on 325 for at least 3 hours. All depends on the size.
I rinse

I don't bother with the simmer anymore. I find that the meat comes out tough….never used to. Anyway, I slow cook on low in the oven, with the corned beef wrapped in a foil packet. Remove from foil, raise the temp (like you do) and crisp up the fat.

Same here.

At first, for me, the window was small and very much far over. Now the window is much bigger, takes up about half the page? And yet, the scroll bars are still on top of each other!

At first the avatars weren't there. Then they were, now they're gone again. ;(

Midwestern farmers were patriots second, capitalists first, and would sell their soul to anyone.
Even the russians.
Same ol', same ol'