
Today, he announces new executive order …regime change, anyone?

It does suck, big time. It also shows a total lack of respect to all the loyal commenters, here. Part of the appeal of this site was the comments section. Very few trolls. Very insightful input about all things AV.
I mean, come on, you even acknowledge the fact that it IS the community here that makes this site so

i will, from now on, never ever empathize with any situation, condition or low self esteem you profess.

And that would be one Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III , who just happens to call trump, bossman

He figures it's only about as tricky as a game of Operation.
Heaven help us all, if he thinks he's up for Stratego

He is, Obama's people tried to reach him and were told that t is on the golf course.

If there is a tap, I think it's probably hiding on the golden throne where drumph takes his morning dump and tweets his daily shitstorms.

Yes, but trump probably figures he can order them know that he's pres.
Why the fuck not? he's been getting away with breaking every other rule and law

Donald J. Trump

Danny Masterson
The Rula Lenska of the AV CLUB

If trump is not stopped, here and now, there will be a war. He goes on an on about the good old days of US wars where we won. He says we don't win anymore….he skates dangerously close to saying he doesn't like soldiers/sailors military who don't win! Only a matter of time before he knocks the Viet Nam Vets.
He and

She did the annual Pirelli Calendar, shot by Vanity Fair contributing photographer, Annie Leibovitz.

I don't care what size she is… but she does and she makes a point of saying she doesn't.
She got offended that Glamour Magazine feautured her in the plus size issue…..she went on to declare that she is nowhere near plus size and then out and out lied and said she wears size 6 and a size 8, depending.

Sarah Paulson as Geraldine Page, too!

Whew! Thank gawd! Poor Martha DID make it off that plane.
Bet she's even had peanut butter again.

And what is Bambi and what is Pizza

It would say that Joaquin Phoenix thinks it is perfectly normal for men to cheat, even on their own sisters.

It does seem strange, except that some guys are just total dicks, entitled dicks.
My brother was a serial cheater… and was astounded when my DH turned him down on an invite for a night on the town with women ending in a hotel room.
My brother was newly married… I had been with my DH for maybe 15 years. He couldn't

And sadly, it is more common than most people think.
And many times, other men not only do not stop it, they join in.

Umm, actually they are both diddlers.
And Affleck was literally a creeper… creeping into the bed of a sleeping woman.
He undressed before crawling into the bed.