
Me either.
But I'd be totally down with the Sun pulling a Lot's Wife on the fucker.

Sarah NOBODYHEARTSHUCKABEE Sanders also said the conversations took place at another time.
She says President Enrique Peña Nieto had this very same convo, in private, back at the G20.
Guess we'll just have to take his word for it.
Same goes for his private tete a tete with putim, eh?
Likewise, he says many, many Boy Scout

Well, natch.
I mean sheesh, what else would he call it?
The only thing he does there is take a dump whilst sending out the latest royal shite via twitter.
Never let it be said that he can't manage to accomplish anything.
That, shit, right there, proves he is a multi tasker

Can you fucking imagine what a ton of cocaine is like.
Um, just like him, only black.
I mean, he looks like he ways at least a ton.

You have no right to be this hilarious this late at night.
Don't mind me.
I know I'm not only, at this point, and this late at night, talking to myself, but laughing like a loon.

That was funny! You made me laugh out loud. And it's 2:13 in the morning. I'm trying very hard to be quiet as to not wake Mr Flanagan.

So true.
But the the sort of perverse reverse of that is that these jerks will fuck any woman. The babysitter. The maid. Their wife's best friend. Their best friends wife. Old women. Young women. All ages, shapes and sizes.
IOW's wherever they can wet their dick. UGH UGH and more UGH
It is only when these assholes come

Ugh! Wish i had never read that. After posting my feelings on this entitled asshole, who is truly ugly inside and out, I googled him.

What he's really saying is if he signed her he EXPECTS her to fuck him.
He's not worried, fuck all, about the IF.

He has done something.
He has decided that since his threats and bribery didn't work, nor the fucking trickery with the the new fangled name of the Up Shits Creek None Of Us Care Plans, he has decided to primary them.
Thinking that nothing has changed in the last 8 years.
Thinking they can throw ObamaCare around their

Actually, it isn't.
that was the plan last week.
None of them know what they are voting for, at all.
And they know even less about what is in each motion/bill, etc.

Cloudy with a chance for meatballs.
IOW, Nope. Not a fucking chance

You know, not for nothing, if he votes for this, fuck him and his brain cancer that is being treated by the finest Dr.'s US taxpayers can provide.
None of these assholes ever, ever see the irony of their gold plated HC plans, which, btw, no matter what we end up with, they have exempted themselves from.

A lot of boy scouts are from rural areas so it's not that unusual really

Basically, saying Trump’s speech was childish would be an insult to children, since many of them don’t go out of their way to remind you of Hitler.

WOW. This is a first.
It really can be two things.
Proof that Megyn Kelly really is a useless tabloid blow hard, an overpriced one at that. Seems she thought all she needed to bring was her recent notoriety, a short skirt and staged fake confrontational hype
Which is probably the first time ever that AFHV had

Oh, my!

Napoleon fixations?

Actually, I think it is the exact opposite. He was trying to insult Marcon. Don't forget, the age difference between president/spouses are the same, but in reverse. He was really saying "wow, not too bad for an old broad". So much for your socalled good looks! I mean, look at my wife. (sadly, he barely ever does

Ooohhh, shit. I forgot to mention Seth Myers!
Where the christ is Seth Myers? He just gets better and better.