
Well, once again, The Americans gets robbed…deserved nods for the 2 fantastic leads.
In the reverse, Handmaids Tale gets a nod along with 2 of the supporting actresses..and they out and out ignore Elizabeth Moss? Critics raved about her from the 1st riveting episode, an episode she owned, and never let up.
Happy to see

Some interesting reading, here. Involving Kushner Trump the Saudi's and Qatar….
This link was found at huffpo….

Yup! And a House committee canceled Jeff Duncan's bill to deregulate gun silencers. They wanted to let all gun permit holders also have the right to use silencers.
He even held a "members only" gun silencer demonstration at the Capitol Police Firing Range, just last week.

Meh, nothing compared to a mandatory sexual harassment policy meeting, stating that this was a corporate doctrine and that the company was taking this very seriously…the notices were included in our paycheck envelopes…. but just in case some employees missed that, they put up a large notice right above the timeclock.

I really wish we were like Germany; they learned ALL OF THE EVILS of the holocaust and they have so much respect for the Jews and they actually are contrite for their bullshit

I think that is totally understandable.
The world is silent to them. A vast isolating silence
Think about that. All that is denied to deaf people.
And it really is not that long ago that the world referred to them as deaf and dumb.
Yup…. if it were me, I'd be pretty easily riled, too.

Very true.
And let's not forget what deaf people were called, deaf and dumb. You can hardly blame them for not wanting to be made fun of, in anyway.
Also, I think being deaf as a disability is not treated the same as other limitations.

Hey, someone has to watch the budget! Melania is wearing non stop Dolce & Gabbana……topping out with a jacket that cost 50+ grand.

Hey! As a regretful retiree in FL, I am ever hopeful to be a Florida lottery winner….. wouldn't even have to be one of the mega jackpots, either. I'd be gone.

Bullshit! As the rightful winner of the war, we should have treated them as the traitors that they were.. and we would have been able, legally to apprehend them all over the southern states.

Yeah, they're still pullin' that right to bullshit.
They love their right-to-work laws….
right to work for shit wages, rights for the employers, right to overlook and or deny any sort of worker protections or rights.
Which, btw, while trump is sucking all the air out, they are busy pushing for a federal right to work law

But I would love to see one of them say in a very statesmen like way WTF is WRONG WITH YOU!!

Why not, that's how he started….SS survivors benefits were great whan he needed them….and since then he has done nothing but lived/sucked on the teat of government entitlements….'course, he is deserving of those entitlements… by way of nothing, and yet is creaming himself at the thought of robbing people who actually

Le Schlonged

Fuck Duterte for bf them voted for trump…..many have used medicaid and/or ACA for treatment.

Um, doin' what all the trump grifters do…..she is writing a book on raising presidential children.
People seem to forget, she was also known as a world class asshole when she was mrs t.
They were made for each other….both assholes, both hated….her only problem was she failed to see how quickly he would throw her

Let's not forget the middle of that spectrum….dumb fuck woman hating yahoos…

Oh, come on… what's a few trillion here or not there.
I mean, this math surely can be backed up by his treasury secretary, mnuchin, I mean, who better to explain that the forms for these budget items are so lengthy, of considerable or unusual length, especially so as to be tedious, so complicated, that anyone would see

If only.
If only millennials would stop using baby boomers as punching bags….. for every, single, thing that is happening to them.
And not for nothing? They fucking suck, big time, in feeling justified (or some times even not required) to punch down any other demographic, and then claim that "we" should get over this.

Actually, the real tragedy is that it doesn't even take THIS douchebag to sow division….it is in the rethug manual.