
Funny you should say this. Because this movie reminds me, very much, of Australian Horror flick Wolf Creek… and the scariest part was the guy waking up chained up and hearing the snarling dogs… and then he sees the chains attached to the wall with just the remains of the wrists and hands of former unfortunate

I think the movie sets it up this way, purposefully.
It's like "look at these asshole losers" who gives a shit what happens to them.

And, sadly, some are even family members

And straight from the Old Bay website where the listed ingredients are:

The point of my comment is NOT that trump wanted some soda, INSTEAD of coffee or tea.
It is a pop culture reference…. you might even say, an AV Club topic.
Maybe my "Welcome to Idiocracy" comment shoulda rang a bell?

I swear this is true!
Although, I could barely believe my ears when I heard it.
Unfortunately, my DH got up before me and turned the TV on…..to ABC news coverage of this shitshow.
Anyway, I wasn't paying close attention, my back was away from the tv…. every once and a while, I'd glance over at it.

Yes, indeedy.
Undeniably, a certainty!

At Carson's confirmation hearing

From Salon
At the Department of Justice, Trump’s plan would eliminate programs that aim to prevent violence against women, encourage community-oriented policing, and provide legal aid to the indigent.

Plant City, Florida strawberries are mind blowingly good!

BS! He cares. A LOT.
Drives him mad that most people have no respect for him.
He knows he is surrounded by syncophants.
Even his sons don't stand up to him

no need, really.
trump IS a human shit stain

And that's AFTER they fixed them. The director spent 3 weeks to get them right!

pretty sure Christina Perri knows

Well done, sir.

here ya go. also, fuck donald trump.
you can read the rest at the link. also, the source of this info, nbc washington, is linked in the piece

He's up to something. he just fired the commander of the DC National Guard….he has been coordinating the logistics of all the military aspects of the inauguration.

Don't be silly! They are thrilled, positively thrilled that trump is keeping his promise and will get rid of obamacare.
They are not worried they have ACA

As of today, it's 393 bus parking permits for trump, and 1,300 for the W's march.
Now, let's see if the media will fully cover them.
And make a point of noting the difference.
There are also marches in many, many other cities, all over the US..and even in other countries

Number one tricky!