
Oh, my!
who woulda thunk that emails, emails, emails…lets check the emails would come back to bite these assholes!

Yes, they can.
The president is not required to host/attend.
He also has no say in the nomination process.

I shouldn't laugh…still, that was funny.

Your boss was only off by 8 years.

Invisable for anyone to see.
Can never be used as evidence against putin. Teeny tiny jar, empty.
Need proof?
trump has no balls

Well, if you're going to call someone overrated, dearie, this is how how you do it.

Hey, his brain dead followers will never see the light.
But this was worth it just to drive trump mad with envy.
Obama's WhiteHouse A-list party probably drove him off a cliff with envy!
He is so shallow that he thinks because he is going to be POTUS that people will respect him.
He knows that he is surrounded by

Maybe so, but it seems his followers haven't noticed we are not in Kansas anymore. Not with Wicked Witch Kellyanne and his ever expanding flock of Flying Monkeys wreaking havoc, flinging poo and screeching chaos. Busy little monsters, cleaning up after the Mango Mussolini as he throws his daily twitter tirades.

I have seen, even recently, the phrase, "the dearly departed".
I've also heard this from people in Boston and Massachusetts.
It is still in use.

Passed away?

This proud SJW is really loving watching all the racist idiots finally wake up to the fact that, far from being an indictment of PC-culture, Sunny has always had a fairly liberal political agenda.

first of all, she probably does know.
and if she doesn't, she soon will
work it

How long is the usual pescription for? 1 year? 6 months?
Is it the Dr.'s office that is requiring this?
If so, they should give you a 3 month script to hold you over.
Pretty standard procedure

Be very, very careful taking any anti nausea meds.
Google ANMeds and dystonic reaction.
A dystonic reaction is the scariest fucking thing ever.

I shouldn't laugh, but I did.
That was funny!

It wouldn't make her any less reprehensible, but there is a slight difference between true conservative jerkwads and people who play conservative jerkwads on TV

IOW's…..a Rethuglican

I do not forget.
And it was largely liberal dems who lionized her for her so called courage to take trump on?
She's a POS.

Typical RW story… she does her job as moderator, which is to challenge the candidates.. and suddenly she is like the most famous news woman ever… Lois Lane on steroids!

Poor Mitt Romney?
Fuck Mittens.
He deserves the humiliation.
Trump famously boasted "he was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, 'Drop to your knees!' and he would have dropped to his knees."
Turns out he was right.
Romney dropped to all fours and crawled up to the Dark Tower, dick in hand, begging again… for a