
And every other tom, Dick and harry

Ahh, but he starts out in my hometown. Again.

Carrie Fisher is gone.
Bad year.. very bad.

Much as I think hospitals and IC's can be bad….in this case, and most cases, when an ambulance emergency help is called, their job is to keep the patient alive.
If the patient is not alive, their job is to resuscitate. Many times, it is easy to restart the heart, with little regard for how the brain has been shut down.

Yeah, seems to be going around.
Not only are they terrible..they are getting even worse than terrible.

Rick Scott and his ilk would like to do, just that.
I bet the state would let the insurance industry so prized here, make a profit off that.
There is very little human misery and suffering that the state doesn't allow the insurance industry to gouge the public and turn and obscene profit.
They have this particular form

What a moronic thing to say.
Florida does not subsidize any insurance that would help the citizens of Florida, in any fucking way. Period!

Pitbull would be lucky to even garner a glance from any woman, no less a naked beautiful model, if he wasn't, inexplicably, now considered a? What? I'm really not sure… to me, he seems to have come out of nowhere….
The pic of him in his latest video, fully clothed, fully unattractive, and yet, surrounded by beautiful

Cuck? Really?

Less than 2 weeks after his inevitable public crackup he gets invited to Camp Runamuck…..he'll fit right in.
Coming soon to Trump White House… otherwise known as the D List on Penn Ave

About life?
Life in a straight jacket?
A padded cell?
No need to ask the second biggest media whore….
The CIA might know somethin' about that….BFF Putin, too.

Otherwise called an omelet.
With lumps.

Well… for anyone wondering what Jared's purpose was? He is the bridge between Janet's kids, Daniel and Amantha, Ted's kid/son, Teddy and Janet and Teds kid together. …and oh, wasn't it awful to see Amantha, who I love, be jealous and insecure at the bonding of Janet and Jared? WTF? Step family dynamics are always

Holy Good Fuck!
Never mind Vacuum…never mind that Diarrhea should have Cancelled out, well, Cancelled….even if the Maintenance crew was running around with a Vacuum to clean up that foul brown shit…not Gray, nor even Grey…..but for the love of mike, people! Unless I am totally reading that map graphic wrong… the

Yeah, but look what happened.
It was only June of 2015 that Dylan Roof slaughtered 9 church members in South Carolina…the very home of sedition….and we were supposedly sufficiently horrified, the majority we thought, and shamed, the minority we thought, and forced many of these asshole states to take down this symbol

Yes, it is.
I come from a horribly racist town…. one of the two worst towns in Boston.
I was on City Hall Plaza the day that the now infamous picture of hateful racists attacked Theodore Landsmark…with the American Flag waged as a weapon.
Ya might remember it.
Quite the iconic photo.
Made the cover of Time.

It is.
But being from my beloved Massachusetts, I feel confident in saying you should not feel so smug.

as if they give a fuck

Just wondering…since we are lucky to have so many people that are actually aware of every kind of film making process….. I'm pretty sure that there has to be a knowledgeable AV commenter or Staff Writer who can definitively say what happens during a simulated rape scene?
Not being in the FI, just taking a wild fucking

I don't blame you. I feel the same.
What's interesting is the fact that most who want to excuse this, apologize it, or just plain insist that some are seeing something, rape, that isn't there……are ignoring the fact that the director was pretty much bragging about this…. in fact, said he had no regrets… was using this