
This! Yes, thank you!
This is what it is.
And anyone who doesn't see that this is the same thing?
A fucking misogynist pig.
An apologist.
Blind. Willfully blind.
Picture your sister, mother, daughter, aunt? Does that help?
Probably not. Because truthfully, you shouldn't need a female relative, nor friend or mere

No, she was not.
Read the above article….he specifically states that the butter was not known to her.
As to you not getting it?
Fuck you…willful ignorance
ETA: a great big fuck you to all of you who are making light of this, excusing this. Even worse, making puns and jokes.
I guarantee you that if any of you misogynist

He probably wouldn't have been held to a charge of rape back then.
Considering just how much more misyogynist society, in general, and even worse in the film industry, here and in Europe was, what he did would not even been considered sexual assault.

Umm, maybe the "simulated sex" that followed the very real, unsimulated act of shoving butter, handfuls of butter, into her anus, most definitely was penetration.

It is not wierd.

Don't be sorry.
Good on you.

Well, according to some very savvy Brits, he IS a crevasse.
A right sweaty arse crack

It can be two things.
It WAS two things. Or the perception, anyway.
Unfortunately, for Hillary Clinton, she found out the hard way that it could not be three things

Silly me, here I thought it was fact that they have gerrymandering down to a gutter level science

If I were there, with you, I would offer to hold you.
Cyber hug will have to do.
I wish you peace. And permission to love yourself.
You are good. And worthy.

Umm, that's what I said

Gotta luv the sanitized name they've given themselves. Got the MSM and Repugs using it, too.
Alt Right…..as if they are just some sort of third party…alternate.

90 years are very many years.
Yet, to some people, not enough.

I think his parents would be greatly moved by what you just wrote.
Words never come easy during grief and death…..many people don't say anything or precious little, for fear of saying the wrong thing.
The loved ones of the departed are most appreciative for any words…. just mo, but your honesty and the personalization


It is pronounced Quinzee…
.Woburn is harder to write out.
It is Woo-ben
Worcester, however, is not WOO….as in rhymes with poo
it is wost-ah..sort of same sound, but with one O, not 2…so, woo, but with less drawn out OO sound..like wuss-tah
North Burlington, or North anywhere, is actually pronounced as Noth, rhymes with


Yes, well, that is exactly what the newish snobs of Manchester decided…. what better way for them to not only sound quaintly poetic, but also to set themselves apart from their North Shore neighbors than to add a hyphen.
Unlike you, I lived my whole life in Boston…and when Manchester first proposed this name change it

Let's not forget that Manchester-by-the-Sea was just plain old Manchester before the newcomers decided they did not want to be seen in the same light as Gloucester.
Newburyport, Essex, all those North Shore towns were for many, many years, blue collar with a mix of richer residents… more importantly, they got along,

You'd think!
And these are not limited to old white guys….. there are plenty of young ones