
Why, in the fuck would anyone take Shapiro's word for anything?
Have you read his recent pieces where he flat out says that Bannon is not racist, anti-semitic, misogynyst, nazi fuck?
It lets him, Shapiro, off the hook.
He states that he left Briebart because Bannon was a tyrant….
when Shapiro was still there, happily

The UK had its Annus Horribilis in 1992.

I hear ya! I'm not here nearly as often as most of the regulars, and when i do manage to get here, I'm usually too late if it isn't, say, a comment thread on a recap…
Anyway, somebody posted that you wanted to take a break…spending too much time online.
Anyway, I enjoy your posts/comments, love your humor and your

It goes there.
Reading even merits its own line/name.
The Haverhill/Reading Line and Reading has its own station/stop

Even worse news: The very real possibility that he will find a nice cushy assignment in the trump wh!
He is already considering that cartoon sheriff from Milwaukee County, Sheriff David Clarke, aka faux news shill, as head of Homeland Security.

YAY! Powerthirteen is back!!

Ham Radio was my absolute favorite!
Look out, he's got a nug.

Give it a rest?
Maybe the fact that he is 75 years old should give him a fucking inkling that he is out of touch??
Except, he does not think of himself as 75…..or clueless.
I think he is a loudmouth blowhard…. spent his life bragging about his ability to out bender the most infamous drunks.
His views on "his gardener" are

Pleasure was all mine.

It's the beauty that hurts the most, not the ugly.

It's very enjoyable reading your words.
So real. So raw. So truthful. So honest. So heartfelt. So eloquent.
Thank you, sir.

Trump: The Incredible Sulk

I hope the crash is spectacular.

God, I hope so.

Well if you think about it, his core constituency are middle-aged white men who still watch a lot of television

Yes, but will the same media who is now knocking him down after eagerly building him up…will they be shamed into shunning him?
I doubt it.
And trump knows this.
As to him losing? Jeezus, I hope so… but the way the polls and media were totally wrong about the Brexit vote does not make me feel confident about him losing.

I agree.
As to trump doing any fucking thing "quietly"?? Really? Since when?

It can be two things


Yup. And trump will take it as a compliment.
Same way he misunderstood Putin's "compliment" calling him Brilliant.
Putin meant it as a descriptor of shiny, flashy.