
Crazy like a fox Trump apparently knew better! Sarah was his first "big" endorsement.
Even he stood back and tried not to look puzzled while listening to her word salad.

October 13, 2016, 08:53 pm
Obama rips GOP 'swamp of crazy' that led to Trump

Speaking of his *wink winks* look at this one he slipped in the other day

They will likely announce that the only fair thing to do is to turn the SJC into a Bipartisan court with an equal number of liberal dems and wacko RWNJ.
Why not, the strategy has worked on so many federal agencies. FA formerly known as public watchdogs.
Essentially crippling them.
Toothless power.

And out of the other side of ther mouth the GOP is insisting that HC is going to have to reach out in a conciliatory manner toward the gop.. that she needs to recognize, blah blah blah
Fuckin balls on these assholes.
I only wish Obama decided MUCH, MUCH sooner that he had more fucks to give….
Already they think they are

And I remember when the HC supporters were all over Bernie supporters with the reasoning that ONLY Hillary can get elected. Only HC is strong enough to stand up to him. And it is HC who will make the best prez becasue she's worked with repugs before, quite well, reached across the aisle..ya know, smooth sailing ahead

Fun fact:
Long time boyfriend of my mom, his car was used in the Chappy Ferry scene with Mayor Larry Vaughn and Chief Brody aguing over the seriousness of the situation.
His car had the license plate with N 520…. he had the low number plate all his life. It was the number he used to play every day, long before the state

Thanks…. I did not know that. So, I owe you an apology.
I am sincerely sorry that I jumped to that conclusion.

The whole time Obama was prez, I feared for his safety.
I think the only reason he remained safe was because there was no MS calls for hatred and encouragement of violence. Yes, there was hate radio….
Now, we see these nutbag hate radio guys, kkk, white supremeists being quoted in MSM!!
And this, I do hold the useless

A firebombing is by it's very nature, a true act of terrorism.
Done for political reasons? Intimidation through terror. Use of force.
Don't think this won't be THE top story… and trump will make sure it remains so.
And whoever did it will have done the real job. To keep people away from the voting booth.
What does that

It's very nasty and dangerous shit no matter who did it.
And never ever say it's just property damage when fire is involved.most especially, intentionally set fire.
Don't care if the office was closed. Somebody could have been in there.
Someone could get hurt if the wind changed and sent the fire in a different direction.

Oh, how I wish this format would allow for pic/files in a post.
have you not seen this? Says it all.

Go easy on the guy, will ya??
Start slowly.
No fair ambushing him.
Sheesh, next thing you know, they'll have the nerve to ask him what he reads!!

I really, really think these people are so vile and so hateful that the very, very best thing to do is fucking ignore them.
They have obviously been ignored in all aspects of their life.
Keep them in the dark.
they are very comfortable there.
Remember when we were just little kids?
Our parents told us, stay out of the

Sorry you had to experience this.
Morons. Full of hate.

But they can be dangerous in a group.
Little frightened losers gets a chance to brutalize something other than their usual quota of pulling the limbs off daddylonglegs.
These inept idiots are feeling the rage, it is in the air at his rallies.. and their chests are getting bigger.. they are fallin for trumps bs..

Yes.. but. they all probably suffer the same affliction of their hero/fuhrer.
Tiny little dick, small but stubby hands… thus they can't release anything, which CAUSES them endless frustration.
Leaves them unable to, ah, amuse themselves.
And insecure males whose insecuirity stems from their tiny man parts do NOT scare

This is not a campaign.
It's a rampage.

That'd be kinda like that there Pepe Frog, put him in a pot of cool water and slowly bring to a boil! Voila! All done. All gone.

Honestly…I can see that you are trying.. and that you think you are coming from good intent.