
That shit ain't gonna fly.
You either have integrity or you don't.
I have walked the talk.
I don't care who it is, I do NOT let anyone talk hatred, racism, etc. in front of me.
I not only find their hateful words and justifications, offensive.. it is doubly offensive that they do this so casually, and assume that I

This. fantastic.
And yet, it shouldn't be considered exceptional, fantastic, etc.
No knock on you, Freddy….
What you just said is what every man should say… not because they now, in light of this, might be sheepishly shamed into it… or worse, pretending that this is their stand, all along.

I've totally lost the gist of this.
I can not stand that woman… and I agree she has made her name by exploiting tragedy and the more heinous the crime…. the more vile and heinous her exploitation.
OTOH, I am not familar with these guys? And I also dectected a certain bent, a bias, whatever.
Having said that… I'm

I do, too.
Thanks, again, for both of your replies.
I've had a horrendous run of bad days starting on the 6th (the very real possibilty turning into a very real probable and a very fucking real supposed direct hit by hurricane matthew) and right on up to today. I am so very grateful that we dodged that threat….still,

Trump 2016
Pussy Galore
Pence 2016
Pussy No More

it was clear he was a swaggering and charmless vapid dolt who thought very highly of himself.

I think most men have been in situations where we hear something offensive and keep our mouths shut for various reasons.

It's called growing a pair…what should he have done??
WTF, are you serious? What should he have done?
Acted like any decent self respecting human would do.
It's really NOT that hard.

Fuck him. Fuck Billy Bush. Fuck that entitled Bush smirk……….fuck that little asshole…. sucking up to trump….pigs, both of them.
How about a hug for the Bushy??
YUCK. Yuck, and more YUCK.
Disgusting little piglet.

I have read that! It's a great piece. I got the link through Charlie Pierce, over at Esquire Politics. He is the best political writer anywhere! Plus, he's from Boston. My hometown and my heart!

Meanwhile ignoring where the nominee has HIS fingers, tiny they may be, shoved

They don't want to put him entirely in the ground, because that might mean some crazy last-ditch scenario of the Republican nominee being changed for someone, I don't know, not insane.

Oh now, come on……you can't leave out the enthusiasm for the racism.
They don't have to whisper it, hide it, disguise it or save it for get togethers with like-minded racist..friends, family and distant relatives.
They have been emboldened.
Trump doesn't bother using the GOP dog whistles.
And the rethugs are appalled!

Is he?
I trust you to know this….since you've been around here longer than i have.
If that is true, I apoligize.
However, i did not detect even an ounce of sarcasm in that post..nothing to denote it

Bad analogy.
You've got a self hating "fag" (used for this post in context with your use only)
Sadly, there are plenty of those.
See the Log Cabin Republicans

He's such a fuckin' moron…what he has "showed them" is that he is nothing but a moron.
So fucking stupid he doesn't even know that he is being mocked.

Fuck it twice!

No! Get out! (Me doing an Elaine Benes)
Ya think?? (Me, now doing a Jerry Seinfeld)
Just remember, it's not a lie unless you believe it (Me cringing doing George Costanza)
I knew it! You better believe it buddy!! (Who else, but Kramer)

This is what is so frightening.
It is horrifying real.
In many states.
Too many.

Silly in the extreme.
It's like when little kids, dragged into the voting booth by their moms, then ask the mom who did they vote for.
'Cept, I think moms mostly do it as a way to playfully annoy their kids. Little kids only.
The process is designed to provide privacy and let the voter keep his/her actual act of voting