
It can be three things

Poor Hillary…….. her opponent IS a fucking ham sandwich

All the media share blame.
It was Les Moonves, chairman and ceo of CBS news…
Trump might be bad for America but he is damn good for CBS.
Whores…. all of them

Um, for starters..how about legitimizing hate groups, white supremists, the KKK as the "alt right"
Alt…. alternate, as if it is just another choice.
Harmless, even.

Symone D. Sanders

Poor Melania……there isn't enough mouthwash in the world to wash away his scome*.

They finally get the true intent of Trickle Down!

Trump: "I could shit myself, on stage live, at the debate. The Town Hall debate.
So basically, shit myself on Main Street USA, and start flinging my poo, right in their fat, ugly faces, and I wouldn't lose voters"

Ding, ding, ding!

It wouldn't work.
Too many fuckin' stupids out there.
Remember was it Wisconsin? That a dead guy beat out the other guy.
No, it was Missouri.
Incumbent Senator John Ashcroft lost re-election to Mel Carnahan, despite the fact Carnahan had died in a plane crash several weeks before election day. …only incumbent ever

Just as bad.. and even in some ways worse.
Bad news for women everywhere.

Fuck you!

Yes…they most certainly fucking do.

It does NOT surprise me.
Not one bit.
They own him.
Trump is the Rethuglican Nominee.
Took them 40 years of dog whistlin'.

Trump's strike zone….
Kicking trump from behind.
Just past the taint, straight for the clackers.

Um, Trump's taint?

OMG! I just laughed so loud, I startled both Bridget Marie AND Flanagan!

Gee, I kind of always thought that Alec Baldwin was THE DONALD TRUMP of SNL….probably NBC, too.
Fuck, even on his own network…..cell phone…
Called his own daughter a fucking pig.

AT&T’s Audience Network??
Really? What's next?
Small Startup VOIP Network Shows?
Cable Channel Lineup in the 900's Nobody has ever heard of Network Shows??

That you'd buy at the bakery down at Aubrey Plaza!