
So, did you marry Maddie??

Well, as long as we're hating, I hate his ridiculous looking beard. Is it supposed to make up for the lack of hair on his head? It doesn't. I don't just hate HIS beard.. I hate these beards on everyone…
And lots of men have admitted that is so freeing not to have to shave. So that is why they do it.

Colemans Mustard? Is that what you meant?

Yes, you can. But if the poor are found to be eating beef they can find themselves subject to murder by the villagers. Dragged from their homes and beaten, burned and tortured by a mob

Hey, anything that cost fuckin Nestle millions is priceless!
See the scam that Nestle is pulling in regards to OUR water supplies… with the help of our corrupt and greedy pols. Fuck Nestle.
Nestle is NOT the very best in anything but raping, pillaging and plundering the lands of the USA

Gotta disagree with ya. It isn't even Ketchup.

It's so strange that I don't want anything other than straight up basic ketchup. I mean, mustard I love, and must have at the very least, 10 -15 types in my fridge.
So, thinking that I would evolve and expecting to also enjoy many different "gourmet" ketchups, I thought I'd give them a try.
I hated them.
Probably because

Hate it! My DH puts it on most everything…..much like American's use ketchup….and yet, makes fun of my ketchup use!
I think it must be the tamarind and the dates… very strong taste of them.
Even though tamarind is used in Worcestershire Sauce, which I enjoy in small doses in certain sauces and can not have a Bloody Mary

French's thought they would beat Heinz at the get go. French's now makes ketchup.
Gotta say, Heinz is considered the premium ketchup… and yet, high fructose corn syrup is a main ingredient. If you write to Heinz to let them know you don't approve? Tough shit, is basically their answer

All those things are not just meant for sweet and desserts. Savory and sweet can be wonderful… fantastic.
Think salty prosciutto or soppressata wrapped around sweet melon.
Think balsamic ketchup.
Think maple flavored bacon.
Just today, I made lacquered black pepper maple bacon. Sticky, spicy and sweet and fabulous dipped

Eggs without Ketchup!
Just NO.

And yet, your candidate is the biggest fuckin' crybaby out there. Waahhh, it's rigged
Waahhhhh, they are not very nice to me…..waahhhh, that's not fair!
All he does is whine!
He can't even get his shorts in a bunch… there's no there, there…no balls to get entangled.
Did you see him flinch so hard he practically shrunk

Course, this is just more of his tried and true strategy… he says these things so his base will parrot the same…
Same with his infamous call-in interviews…. that way he avoids the optics of squirming.
Let's not even start on his
many people are saying… lots of people say so.
Just fuckin once, I'd like someone to say

Well, it's not like this sort of thing could happen "elsewhere, right? I mean, surely not in Canada….
Not in Toronto which is not only the largest city in Canada, it is the 4th largest city in North America…Torontonians who elected the racist goon, Rob Ford.
Let's skip across the pond where we have another NY born

That is why he is always bringing Obama into his rants…. he knows his base is anti-obama simply because they are anti-black.
Obama is not even running.

I am working class….. middle class and white…. and I'm one of those who were left behind. You try getting back your well paying job, after being considered unemployable simply because the great recession caused me to be unemployed, along with millions of others….now, I was not just unemployed, I was long term

Reciprocal spite?
They will cut the knees out from under America just to make some sort of sick point? To save face?
Fuck those assholes.
No, what "motivates" these slimy rock dwellers is hate. Pure hate with case of raging racism

Funny. Sick.
Funny, but sick! ;0

"This is exactly the sort of article I come here to avoid".
I know. Me, too.
And yet, I fell right into it.
Fuck, I don't do Face Book precisely to avoid this shit… have 2 accounts for our dogs… grand kids got a kick out of it when they were young. I've kept them so that we can ocassionally see family related things.

That's because it wasn't ONLY the KKK she was calling out.
Notice, too, the mention of these deplorable's websites….she is cleary talking about Stormfront, Breibart, and worse…. hate sites…..websites with followers… the mainstreaming of these hate groups who were once considered fringe.
deadbeat welfare mooches out