
Pretty sure Box will look into it, too.
He told the stepfather he'd need to find a place to stay…SF told him, he didn't live there, it was Andrea's house, the mothers house, he had already told Box that the mother died last year.
So even though I agree the show is trying to emphasis what a freakin shitshow, nightmare

Just like making money off the phone, there is money, big money to be made off the drugs. Freddie was doing heroin….not coke. Maybe he does coke, maybe he doesn't.
Now that cell phones are commonplace contraband and highly coveted, they are being used in horrible ways…they take pics of other prisoners being beaten, or

The cowboy hat is just above and to the left of the deer head when they are going up.

Exactly, I think he is more worried that Freddy would find out who he is taking advantage of…the kid doin' the blowjob.
ain't that the same kid who handed off the drugs (from his wifes snatch) to Naz? Seems like Freddie has no qualms about roping him in to do some shit… but ain't he some sort of family?
I mean, he

I've been here 6 years, and not a day goes by that I don't ask myself, what the fuck were you thinkin' girl!
Sorry i brought it up…cuz I could go on and on and on about all the ways I hate it..thius is a very fucked up place!

I just went back and watched it again…not lonly can WE hear the steel/metal door creak/swing, Nas hears it, too. He says "what was that" or "what is that"…even more interesting, Andrea answers "this is the party" and then the camera is panning the stairs…at first you think that it is just showing the stairs that they

Not really, for instance in Florida where I live these jobs, like all fucking jobs in this pit of a state, expect the workers to do many, many tasks.
I have seen actual help wanted ads on craigslist for mortuary workers…….and not only do they transport the bodies, act as attendants at the wake and funeral drive the

He didn't really steal it..yes, he took his dad's cab without asking, but I don't realy believe Nas thought of that as stealing….since the DA stated it in court it has to have some truth to it…did i miss where the parents and his partners/part owners of the cab had to claim it stolen?

Really, the wardrobe suggestion?
If anyone would know what to wear in court that would be Freddy.

I think it's a rent controlled apt and the size probably reflects his past marital status….he told Chandra his marriage broke up, he got divorced…and he called his son? kid on the phone tonight asking if he wanted to come over to watch tv or go for Dinosaur BBQ (in Brooklyn)…so maybe apt is really not so big, after

I'm rather late to this show, having just now caught up. I watched tonights episode just now, and watched episodes 2-5 with a rewatch of episode 1 at hbogo on the night of last weeks episode.
Anyway, that was the long way of saying i don't know what has been discussed already.
Couple of things… when Andrea opened the


I agree. And here we have Gandolfini's starmaking turn as Tony Soprano, whose tv character sister Janice, is none other than the real life sister, Aida, of John Tuturro….who replaced Gandolfini for the intended role when Gandolfini died.

Shades of Brock Turner, diddler/weirdo/rapist dad defending the creep

That's not how I remember it. First of all, it was a really hokey, cheesy movie….very generic disaster movie.
It didn't scare me… and i do not know anyone who was freaked out about it.
I was 28 when this movie aired.
In fact, I do not think people were stressed about pending nuclear annihilation, either.
Yes, record

"But I'm at the point, now, where I'm totally swept up in all of the speculation, in the "hidden meaning" behind of every tilt of the head, every whispered word, and I fear that I'm now seeing "clues" where none exist"
Almost like Poor Martha;) Running away and seeing everyone as a possible spy/agent out to get her.

I didn't even see the show, yet. But after reading the review and the comments, so far, my thoughts are that she won't make it.
Someone mentioned upthread the rat in a jar…. I mean, might as well be a stand in for Poor Martha… both of them are trapped rats.
Poor, poor Martha…. went from the overlooked, mousy secretary

Amy Schumer is not even close to being a size 8….and pretty much the only time she would have been a 6 was either in her dreams or when she was 6. Years old.
What a stupid thing to do…. she makes a big issue about this and then lies about her size.

Oh my! Has anyone broken the news to Quentin?