
You never even ask a question unless you are 100% certain of the answer.


Hey sister girl! We cool, we can hang ;D
The funny thing is, this show, The Americans will sometimes bring in a RW troll, high on patrotism and declares he is a "real" American.
TBH with you.. I enjoy the heck out of this… but i have no fucking idea how you all keep up.
I'm always 3 hrs behind in discovering a new

"Methinks there are an awfully lot of people on here who seem to think that Chuck is bullshitting,"

What makes you think the story is true?
Chuck's a weasel. Talks weasel speak. Fucks people over, weasel like. Worse, fucks over his own brother. Even worse, fucks him over after he spent a year waiting on him, hand and foot and crackups!

Shame on them though. Everyone associated with this show owes it some effort.. and with all the social medium platforms out there, all the ways to get the word out…. all the new kinds of media.
No fucking good excuse for this most excellent show to languish at the bottom of the ratings heap.

Well ya…… Saint Reagan, ya know.

I know.
Still it was hillarious!

Poor, poor Martha.
It's all about the dread..
'bout the dread..no anvil
'cuz I'm all about my Clark
I'm no trouble, no trouble
All about the dread…no anvil
all about the dread
no anvil, no trouble
my momma she told me don't worry
who cares about the anvil over your head
you got your man, you got your clark
a man who likes his

Then there are those people who are like "meh, we tried it, and it was too slow", to which I just say, well your taste is bad and you should feel bad.

"I think people who can only see the show from a nationalist point of view are actually more like Philip and Elizabeth than they think"

Well, if you are comparing spies who lie but otherwise love you and care for you and provide for you, versus parents with no secrets who beat the fuck out of you, sexually abuse you or even just merely (in this context) severely neglect you?
I agree.
Of course, that isn't what anyone is talking about. Nor are they

Yeah, but your mixing your reasoning up. In some posts you compare Paige angst to what you would feel because no big deal your parents have told you lies, have kept secrets and still are
Now you're explaining your reasoning in the realm of it's a tv show and doesn't work.
It is your reasoning that doesn't work.
You don't

"Her parents are living a massive lie but in context of a teenager growing up with parents keeping secrets, I don't get why I'm supposed to care or sympathize with her. My parents kept and still keep secrets too that I'll likely never know."

Secrets that would send your parents to the electric chair? And who-knows-what would happen to you?

Yes, I agree. But I think Elizabeth really wants to connect with Paige, for her own sake, as well as for Paiges sake and also because she sees how close Philip is with Paige.. how important it is To HIM. That is doesn't come naturally to her, Philip doesn't have to make an effort, this all just comes so easy for him.

Yes, just one of the reasons i don't "do" Facebook.
In fact, I was astonished when I first, accidentally, found the AV Club and more specifically the Comments section that this was the one site that has a total lack of well, a fucking comments section mentality, ya know what I mean?
Comments sections AKA as knucklehead

Dorky it may be.
But that is one fabulous coat!
And I had the exact same coat! I bought it in Boston at The Limited.. paid 110 bucks for it!
I loved it the moment I set my eyes on it. It was in the window, on the corner of Washington St.

And you want to scream "It's a fucking TEEVEE show"
Seriously, this is all that post 9/11 Bush "you're either with us or your against us" crap!
Well, that and the constant fearmongering and lies and propaganda.
On the other hand, I do know some people who don't want to watch it because they think oh, "spy story" so then

I get really pissed off that I can't watch this on demand through my cable provider. All seasons… whenever I choose! Comcast… considering the fkg bill is now 184 a month! Well, that does include my internet connection, 59 bucks… but i don't see them as a separate charge when the bills comes! I only see red! This on