
Would that iTWERE, so blood simple.

You mean the ugly ass shoes! Bruno Magli's.
So ugly, OJ wouldn't be caught dead in them.
Oh, wait.

Johnny Boy Soprano!

Yes, you're right.
Pointing out racism always gets a yawn from the spouters of racism.

No matter what one may think in regards to the entertainment aspect of this…being found NOT GUILTY is not going free via a technicality.
And, fwiw, in cases where someone gets "off" due to a technicality….that is the way the system is designed to work.
When the defence wins on a technicality that means that the

That is never funny.
In fact, it is disgusting.
Makes anyone who thinks it is, no better than the violent criminals they are wishing it upon.

And yet, a whole class full of 11 year olds were just devastated by the obvious injustice of it all.
Causing a march to a slow death.
After the near riot, of course…..
Sixth graders not only grasped it, they were positive the real violence was in the verdict.
Positively violated by the injustice of the verdict

Because Ron Goldmans father and sister pissed him off to no end.
You'd think he would have gotten down on his knees and thanked whoever, his lucky ass stars, that he was out, breathing, living relatively well, and not rotting away in prison serving a life sentence..and just go quietly into a non celebrity life. He got

Michael Clarke Duncan as OJ
Uh, no.
Just no.

What do Travolta's characters eyebrows have to with the Armenian Kardashian? Travolta plays Shapiro.
David Schwimmer plays Karashian

It wasn't just Furman racism….Vannatter mishandled evidence, as well. The cops were sloppy.

No. It wasn't.
The murder happened on Sunday, June 12. The cops took him in for questioning, and briefly had OJ in handcuffs, on Monday, June 13. The chase was on Friday, the 17th

Run,OJ! Run!
Crowds holding signs screaming their support to OJ.
The whole thing was like in slow motion…. very, very surreal.
Cops didn't even attempt to stop him….. they were terrified of him committing suicide on live tv.

Actually, it was seeing him, OJ, briefly in handcuffs in front of his house. Don't forget, the cops had him in for questioning and then released him. The chase happened later on.

WOW! Jack Nicholson was also the first A List actor to go down on an A List actress, in the remake of The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Probably a few swear words were let loose from Jessica Lange.
Jack was thinkin' them, though.
They were just muffled.

She does. She says it would be a short term appointment because after making positive changes and doing away with cumbersome regulations…. she would then abolish the Dept. of Energy.
Yes. She did say that. ;0

Not funny. Not cool.
Even for this douchebag.

What network, please?
And, thanks for posting that. I love Cheers.
Makes me miss Boston even more. ;(

There shouldn't BE any judge elections.

Try and have one anyway.
I know.
Easier said than done.
I also know your Mom doesn't even know she is your Mom.
You do.