
ya got that right, brother!


Dialing/texting *67 before the number allows you to block your number. The party you are calling will not see your number.

One of the jurors has now recanted his/her guilty verdict. Says at start of deliberations, it was 7 Not Guilty…says juror/s feared for their safety. This was announced on this morning's Today Show.

First of all, who the fuck is talking to you??

Yes, there is. Of which, Italy being one of them.
As to my "beef-fed American snark"? I don't know, does that differ, somehow, from your snark??
The point being, as we have seen from this case, and many, many others in the good ol' USA, there is justice for the poor and justice for the rest…..and in the Italian part of

Oh yes..I see what you mean.

Same thing, same typical, dirty cop tactic used on Jessie Misskelley, jr., Memphis Three.

Interesting take on this at esquire. Don't know if this has come up on the podcast since this article was written after only 2 episodes had aired.

Well, it IS, after all, a movie about Boston.

Oh, well, why should she worry about that? I mean, fuck, she was BORED by then.
Newsflash, Missy lala (apt name, I can picture your fingers in your ears…lalalalalalal..I don't want to know…I don't want to hear… I only want to be entertained lala… this is about someones life.. 3 someones, to be exact. The murdered

Actually, the price for the tomato soup was over 7 bucks…. the 2.29 shelf tag is one shelf below the tomato soup!

Well, he might have.
If only he could have lived up to his name and Sprang right out of that grave.
As it is, it won't be until the few initial weeds that Spring up over and around his asphalt resting place cause people to Skip over them so as not to trip, that anyone might even get a glimpse of poor Skip's grave

Which, doesn't at all mean that the recap/review was written and finished just moments after the end of the episode.
I'm sure they get episodes in advance.

I wouldn't like it, either. And it isn't something Lou would even think about.
I would say Noreen is not even 18….if she were, there would be no need to seek legal emancipation. She would just become of age.
Lou and Betsy are the same age as Peggy and Ed… 29ish

He was no better than Dodd…. he could not give Simone the same consideration, that she was a just a kid, like Charlie, that he expected Dodd to give him. Charlie and Simone were just kids….late teens.
The only time he protected family was when it was Charlie….
Fuck, even Dodd, piece of shit that he was…. knew no better.

Doubt it all you want.
Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
He was on the hunt…. made his mother stay by the truck so she wouldn't see. He had no idea Hanzee also had murdering plans, too.
It's pretty obvious.
Dodd… the man who wasn't there.

I have no idea what you mean?

Had Peggy done what any normal citizen would do, stop the car, get out and see if the guys ok and called the cops, THEN her life wouldn't have been ruined.
It's not what happens to you that counts.
It's how you handle what happens.
Goes to character.

Talk about endlessly pushing that bolder!