
Probably his job to stock the office kitchenette, too.

And get your haircut….

And they all treated Hanzee and his mother like crap. Simone nastily ordered her to "get out… just get out now" from the room when she was calling Mike.
My guess is that Otto treated them terribly, as well.

I did the same thing…. said to myself "damn, that's a bit harsh" lol

It's a tee vee show.

Me too.

Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Yeah, except Peggy didn't get the life she was supposed to get. Finally get. She had a shit life.
"The One" she loved died….she "got" Ed by default.
Ed was happy from the get go…. but should he have been? Peggy didn't want Ed, didn't love him, and he knew that.
It was enough for him.
Not fair that Peggy is supposed to be

Metaphorically speaking, he was.

Pffffttt. Never mind the 401… this ridiculous talk for gangsters/wiseguys is fuckin' asinine.
Asinine for 1979.
Still asinine today
edit: to remove an absolutely asinine excess of S's ;0

Sure must have been a lot of money if Ricky G, AKA Buffalo Guy went to the trouble of going back to the Gerhardt Ranch to look for it.
Just before Milligan commits to his balancing act of cruelty, his Yang if you will, on Buffalo Guy, he lets him know that he sent "the injun" on her road to freedom in a brand new set

I think you're on to somethin' there, brother.

Kill the King.
Be the King.

And all is right in the world, if not in Hanks hoped for universe.

Well, I'm here to tell you that this Democrat doesn't pretend it's ok. There is plenty that I think Obama gets wrong..or doesn't do enough about. Id criticize him when I think he gets it wrong. But I also saw right away that there was a large segment of the American s were never going to give him a shot. When has any

It's the nastiness and the vehemence and vitriol that makes it much more than mere disagreement.
And there are many who think that they got a black president shoved down their throats. Black. They can hardly believe it….. AS IF…..cripes I've seen people actually choke as they sputter those words. And they have felt

Please do!
Lemmings.. it would be a continous conga line of racist RWNutJob lemmings!

Well ya… if that were true. It's not.
It isn't a matter of disagreeing with her.
We know that. You've made it perfectly clear.
All you were saying is probably way more than you should have.
That kind of talk makes folks look at ya in a whole new light, honey

Oh geeze… and she goes for the double down!

This is.
I love the "shoved down our throats".
I've never heard the same complaint about other FL's causes.
The nerve. An uppity First lady.
And yes, all of a sudden it's "not everything is about race". Of course it isn't…. it just happens to coincide with the first black president.
But I know what you mean about having