
Trump: The Gays…the Gays love me!

Otherwise known as Dodd.

That visual was very striking, I agree.

He's listed as Ricky G in the list of cast members at IMDB and I've also, just recently, seen him called that in a review/recap. In fact, it was that recap that made me think of it. 'Course, I couldn't remember, exactly, where I'd read it, so I went to IMDB to see what the actor playing him has for his character name.

I bet Stallone was soundin' like a real fuckin scream queen when he heard his name!
Who'd ever have thunk (Rocky speak) there was even a drop of milk left in that sucker!

There was blood behind his ear….it looked like that shot just knicked him. He was shot from behind….the shot was aimed at the back of his head but skewed right, almost going too wide and missing his head completely. It just zinged right above his ear and kept going.
Even Bear couldn't survive a bullet that went

Ricky G……the guy from Buffalo

Hey, it is, after all, Fargo we're talking about. Plenty of room in the Fargo Universe for "other's".
I mean, come on…
it's just a flying saucer

Hollywood Foreign Press and the Golden Globes are showin Fargo some love. Not enough, though.

Funny you mention that. I found my way to the AV Club through HitFix. Actually through Alan Sepinwall. I was, at the time, watching The Americans….crazy excited over the show…nobody to discuss it with. Decided to look up reviews. That is when I discovered recaps…and the very best writer of them on the web.


Such a cute couple. Just made for each other. Don't ya love it when even their names practically match? Melania and Megalomania.

Fixed it.

Well, no SAG love for Fargo. WTF is wrong with those people!

He might be stupid, but he's MY stupid!

I'm sure Hanzee felt the same. Still, Hanzee and Bear were both unaware that they were both up to no good….
Bear would be on his own personal hunt for Dodd… and Hanzee having to stay with Floyd actually worked in his favor considering the dirty work he had set in motion. Far easier and safer to let the cops and the


Yup! Bear was on a hunt.

Anyone who can put a body through a meat grinder, piece by piece, really doesn't have to go too far down to reach the bottom.

Otto, the patriarch of the Gerhardt clan…his name is a palindrome…the name of next weeks episode/finale.