
Playing solitaire, were ya?

Really? Where were they when Hanzee's people were being slaughtered. Plenty of evidence to tell us that Native Americans werea decent, kind people

Detective BenJAMIN Schmidt, to you!

Um, I'm pretty sure Peggy definitively identified it.
It's just a flying saucer, hon. We gotta go
Translation: Fuck, another one.
We really gotta fuckin go. NOW

Because Bear was planning on taking Dodd out….. couldn't have his mother or Hanzee see that. Little did he know that he wasn't the only one with murder plans

"Balls against the wall"

That was his conversation with Ed….trying to convince him and Peggy to trust him…he almost does, he's right on the verge of it, when Peggy puts a stop to it… she snatches that lifering buoy right out from under Ed just as it is within his grasp.
I posted my feelings on this callback, as well.
But Hank turns it on its

The UFO had a presence after the fire that destroyed the butcher shop. The last shot is the lights descending, slowly down to the butcher shop… then moving upwards to the building/apts above it. hovering.

Yes, and unlike the movie, Peggy doesn't wait for a hero to swoop in and save her.
Peggy doesn't leave her fate to someone else. Peggy takes things in her own hands

Um, Lou "noticed" something! He fucking flew to his squad car. It's not like Lou wasn't dreading this….he knew they were coming. He tried to warn the South Dakota dickheads, to no avail.

You ain't shittin' he has!

A very dead jackass

That he did and for good measure yanked it upward along with Floyd. She was very nearly raised off her feet

Ohanzee…Lakota word for Shadow, (he moves among the shadows, ghost like) or Shade..as in shady!

Same way Viet Nam did….and all the other wars. Hank's war and Karl's war.
All these things changed the trajectory in a profound way.
And wasn't Rye an actual trajectory…he was certainly and fatefully turned into a human projectile by "force of nature" Peggy.

6. So… That "bear being the guy from season 1" thing… YA… NO.
Could it be Charlie?

Any relation to the too small eyed Rhonda Knutson?

OR, if I may so not humbly take a bow.
Does a Bear hit in the woods?
And I've never seen The Big Lebowski!

Me! I did! I pegged Peggy at late 20's, 30 tops. Fuck, someone called her a middle aged housewife!
And if Ed and Peggy are 29, so too, are Lou and Betsy. Vietnam and all.
The Vietnam and all reference was made to show that both Ed and Lou went to 'Nam, so must be around same age… not that the wars timeframe was the clue.

Sorta like the trope used in Titanic? You know, no listing for Jack Dawson on the ships manifest?