
"All that had to happen was for Lou to manage to reach his gun. The distraction was unnecessary."

I don't know….now, the more thought I give it. Bear was less awful than Dodd, for sure. He was tender towards his child, Charlie..unlike the despicable abuse Dodd subjected to his own child, Simone.
And, certainly, Bear had deep love and a fierce devotion and sense of loyalty for the family. Something Dodd did not.

Eh… he wasn't no saint. He had no problem killing Simone and he was planning on taking Dodd out when he found him in the motel room. He was gleeful about it, hunting him down, calling Dodd's name in that sick twisted tone.
It's why he made his mother stay with the truck and made Hanzee stay to watch over her…he had no

Yup. And the freezer/refridge section of the supermarket where Ed and Peggy have hidden in will have loads of stacked pallets, just like the stacks of magazines that allowed her to get the jump on Dodd and his goons.

I wrote about that last episode. I actually mapped it out…it made little sense. But then you see Ed has to come up with a plan, on the fly, while he and Peg start the roadtrip. His uncle's cabin is way over at near Rushmore….it is remote, far enough a way, and he figures nobody would be even thinking about Rushmore,

Because the asshole SD cop, Cheney, told Lou and Hank (outside the cabin, on the deck) that they couldn't guarantee Ed and Peggy's safety because of graft. Kansas City has SD cops on their payroll. He told them Kansis City would hear about it.

Well, aren't you a special snowflake!

"It's JUST a flying saucer, hon."
Ho hum…not another one
'We gotta go"
fuck the flying saucer, hon……we really gotta go

Peggy: What was your name again? Ben?
Schmidt: jamin.

I was wondering if she was alive, too. Especially after showing her with Milligan in the flashback with her. It shows him fondly caressing Joe Bulo's hair, both before and after he was killed and it was an intimate and pleasurable moment with Simone, as well.

Ya know, it's funny because it was Hank who had that "already dead but don't know it" look on HIS face and he was the one doing the lying

Sort of. What he said was "animal..I'd say animal, 'cept they only kill for food"

Why was there even a balcony railing there, at the end of the second story row of rooms, if there was just another one around the corner from it? Ed and Peggy stepped over it and then Hanzee climbed over, too. You could actually hear them make footfall on the other side.

And it was Ed that had that sense of urgency back in Gift of the Magi……"That's great, hon. Thanks, we gotta go!"

Well, I wondered did he get a warning from the UFO….he got up out of the bed before any commotion started. ESP? He said something, sounded like "Bull shit" and then quickly got dressed. Doing that bought him time, otherwise he's a been shot dead in the bed like the others

Well, a bazooka bubblegum cartoon Gerhardt, anyway.
But still a Gerhardt….more than Hanzee can say.

He made me think of Phillip Jennings in one of his ridiculous getups…bad hairdo and all.

Vietnam touched so many of the characters. Profoundly changing the trajectory of their lives.

Hanzee never had a seat at the Gerhardt table.