
You're forgetting Constance and the 2 Shitkickers? Shitheads?

those corner kids on the wire were young, very young….
no, nobody forces anyone to take something….. but it ain't no friend that offers you a taste…and as you saw on the wire, the dealers and users were all well known to each other…. they all lived in that fuckin shithole

You forgot, don't be DWB.

Well, I posted that Bear and the guy from Buffalo have a conversation right after the burial scene in the last episode….with Floyd, too…. something about them being on the losing end of the killings and that they need to get up to South Dakota and more specifically, the mountain with men carved into it, Rushmore, to

Me too! I feel as if I'm in the back seat of Ed and Peggy's car…. in it for the ride!

I hope not.

Ya know, I thought of that, too. And I remember the amount of ridicule Carter was subjected to because of it.
I gotta admit, it did sound ridiculous…. a vicious bunny rabbit? Of course, it wasn't a "bunny rabbit" it was a wild rabbit…Carter was in a canoe or kayak at the time?
Still, it wasn't until years later, after

Ding, ding, ding, ding! You've just won yourself a teddybear,son. All with one strike of the hammer!

Well, yes, but Molly, Gus and Lou were the only characters, main characters, that we had to root for, really.
I do care about the characters in this season. I don't find the characters I care about, to be one dimensional, at all.
I really would like to see Bear come out of this (at least at this point in what we have


Not torturing and killing, silly! Accidental murdering. And, btw, totally incidental to all that.
I mean, you say that like things happen in a vacuum! ;)

Well, Peggy does have that psychotic break on the basement stairs where she hallucinates her alter ego.
Plus, in this episode which mainly focused on the 3 main characters, lots of the interactions with Peggy, Ed and Dodd at the cabin was more of a phychological form of violence or torture. They were all driving each

Well, Peggy does have that psychotic break on the basement stairs where she hallucinates her alter ego.
Plus, in this episode which mainly focused on the 3 main characters, lots of the interactions with Peggy, Ed and Dodd at the cabin was more of a phychological form of violence or torture. They were all driving each

Now, now… water under the bridge!

Never before has Peggy's deranged enthusiasm collided with Ed's colossal denial in such a spectacular fashion. Launching them on to their fantasticly exciting and deleriously dangerous roadtrip to hell in the Badlands of South Dakota.

thank you, seriously ;)


That wasn't their last interaction. The last time they talked was outside of Ed and Peggy's house.
After knocking out Hank, Dodd tells him to get down to the police station and Dodd will handle the situation at the house.

Aren't your house buns litterbox trained?
Although, your post gave me a great visual…bunny pez! haha

Yeah.. who needs a wood chipper when you've got Positive Peggy Blumquist!