
Read them all…..manyones have.

Nope…she was just teaching Dodd some manners!

The rest of the Gerhardt's may not treat him with as much contempt or the same level of scorn, but neither do they give Hanzee a seat at the table.
Literally, as well as figuratively.
And now Hanzee has even less of a stake in the family. He really is a man without a country now

Yes, I agree. Ironically, it is Hanzee who is the professional. They are both violent and can be pitiless… but it is Hanzee who is smart, methodical, patient, thinking, always thinking, very, very capable. Whereas Dodd never does his terrorizing, bullying, torturing or killing alone. He is basically a coward who never

It is a bird. Max Ernst has said he hallucinated that bird like creature as a child, suffering from measels with delirium.
Later on he uses it as an alter ego.

1/2 hour?

My very first thought at seeing Mike Milligan and the Kitchen Brothers was how cartoonish they came off.
Oddly enough, now that there is only one Kitchen Brother, he is very menacing but still with a loopy tone. I mean, his face while he was strangling that guy!
And Milligan didn't become fully realized to me until

I think she is dead. Her death is like many of this seasons deaths…off screen. Joe Bulo, Otto, Simone and now Constance.

I don't really think that works. I posted last week that the town where the grocery/phone booth is is completely off, zigzag, distance wise and route wise for getting from Luverne to Sioux Falls where the seminar is being held.

This is from the Fargo musical director/supervisor, Maggie Phillips.

The son she lost to the war in Korea? Was it Korea? Lost in a war, anyway.

He asked Peggy to cut it longer in the back, short in the front

Cochise was a famous Apache Indian Chief

As long as they're just passing through, huh?
How nice that they only need put up with a "few" wayward glances.
Um, doesn't seem like all that much has changed. It IS 2015

Yup…Peggy had to walk that back.

It really CAN be two things.

I don't know, but I loved it!

I said the same thing way back when people first started commenting on the possible meaning of the upcoming episodes. Then, I found the literary reference and felt like an idiot! And said as much in a followup post!
I had pet house bunnies for years and years. All kinds, love the Lops!

During the burial scene from last week, there were kids and there was that woman with the hat on…I think that was the same woman Simone told to get out of the room when she was making that call to Mike Milligan?
I remember thinking at the time, that she might be Simone's mother, or stepmother….you could easily see how

The jump on him? Holy shit! Peggy Blumquist in action. She impaled Dodd's foot, buying herself just enough time to grab the poker for a good thwack in the head, giving her enough time to leap into some ax action, freeing Ed. Peggy was vewry much in charge.
She had to remind Ed to watch out for a soon awakening Dodd….