
You mean the cop in on the interrogation of Floyd? That's Terry Kinney….from Oz, among other things. So, I figure he'll be seen again.

Dodd…the Barbara Stone of Fargo's most Ruthless People.

White Denim

Salon.com has a terrific article about the music on this season of Fargo.
A little bit, below. Read the rest at the link.

Does a Bear hit in the woods?

Ridiculous association aside. She fuckin killed it as Frasier's girlfriend Lana! She was so freakin' good, they brought her back in the same role, but with a different name.
I could be wrong, but she won an Emmy under both character's basically playing the same role.
She was hilarious! 2 Emmy awards. Won her third for

I thought Floyd's Minnesota accent went AWOL out on the porch….. it went to an Irish accent, just for a moment

Not really. Not all there. A few loose screws. A little odd… but oddly enough, usually somewhat bright in other ways.
Which is why Hank leans in and tells her, not that there is anything wrong with it (or he has anything against that) after he says "You're a little touched, aren't ya"
He wants to hear the WHY of it from

Yes. Exactly. This was a very common term back then. Actually, before then. I remember saying it and hearing it all the time when I was a kid and then a teenager, all the way up to 1979… but I tend to think that was regional….I was very surprised to hear Hank say that..I thought it was an East Coast thing…. but

No doubt!
Lou knew he was looking evil in the face…. he not only didn't back away from it…he stared it down.
And Malvo saw him as a superior adversary if only because Lou had something worth dying for….more precious than his own life. That of his daughter.
He was cool as a cucumber in that scene.
Malvo decided it

He certainly did. He rose to the occasion once he had no more shit to lose!

It was sweet! Brings to mind Janice killing Richie.
Just like Dodd, he was stunned, shocked (can't think of another word…even though Dodd was actually SHOCKED and STUNNED) that a stupid bitch could take him out!

It WAS! Peggy was totally in control and enjoying the power!

I brought up this same point…still, I think it was more likely that she pushed/toppled the sink onto the goon.
EXCEPT…I looked, really, really hard to see a space anywhere on the near stacks of mags that could have showed where a sink could have occupied an empty space large enough to hold a sink of that size and shown

That was THE TV catch phrase of the time period.
It's from Alice, based on the movie Alice Doesn't live Here Anymore….(another Alice reference, Alice in the Looking Glass with the Jaberwokky)…that show was extremely popular during the time period, 1979. Show ran from 75 - 84.
It was the character Flo who made it famous.

Dodd is nothing more than a bully. And like all bully's….. he's a coward.
Dodd never takes on anyone unless he has a goon squad to back him.
I don't think Bear is a bully, nor a coward

My very first car.
Believe me, it was no Corvair.
And it was red, which pretty much defeated my main criteria…….that it be any color but red….the other concerns were that it didn't stall and that it had excellent heat……excellent AC was a bonus.
Yes, I was extremely stupid in regards to buying a car.
Somehwhat like Peggy,

Doesn't mean it has to be Otto's grave. Could be her oldest son, Elron

What? Are you a teenager? I think Danson looks great!
Fuck is wrong with you people? You think 60's, even late 60's is old?
It is not. And I very much believed this when I was barely 40.
Even before my young, vibrant, very, still, beautiful mother died at 64.

Talk about left field! Pay attention!