
ME!! I did! Or suspected as much…. Peggy will not go easily!
Force of nature, that one!

It's very strange, but if you go to the FX/Fargo page and click photos, you will see a dead guy with his head in plate of pancakes…..he is in a booth which are situated on the window wall…the window above his booth shows 6 bullet holes.

I just thought of something. Where can I see that shot of the Lifespring brochure.
Doesn't it have a tree on it?
Like the tree with the serpent in the Garden of Eden?
When Lou is talking to Malvo in the diner during season 1….Malvo says he hasn't had pie this good since the Garden of Eden

Thanks….I don't even know where the TV remote is anymore. Explains why there is no CC button on the cable remote.

I've asked this before..how are some of you doing CC and audio at the same time? My remote must be an older type or something? I have Xfinity….comcast… anyway, only option on my remote is a MUTE button.
Is there something else?
eta: when I hit the MUTE button, audio goes off and captioning comes on

Up until Dodd pulled that strap business, I was actually sort of pulling for Floyd…but no way she didn't know about her husband beating his sons like that.
Sick MOF's… making little kids ..anyone, really, pick their own form of torture.
Oddly enough, if you ever have had this discussion, of parents "disciplining" their

Yeah. Atomic

Plus, he also didn't know the same could be said about himself

I watched the episode online…didn't show the preview for next week. Usually, Face Book has it…plus the "extra" sneek peek.
I saw the extra SP, but I can't seem to find the preview? Anyone know where I can see it? I mean, I could just rewatch it on TV and then see it…but I'd like to find it, online somewhere, now?

son in law….lou is his son in law

The clueless and useless Head of the DNC…Debbie Wasserman Schultz…..she thinks it was such a swell idea, she has scheduled the next one on a Saturday night, as well. But even better, it is 6 days before Christmas…. the last weekend holiday shopping period, Saturday the 19th.

I can't make up my mind on whether I like or can't stand Taylor Swift. BUT…. your comment is so right.

Shit! I am getting old…I saw this and thought someone else who doesn't quite get the fashions right for the timeframe, 1979
I'm like "cameltoe? I'm thinking peeptoe wedge shoes?
I nearly pissed myself laughing when I googled it!
'Course, I know, exactly, what it looks like just never knew it had that name…and, yes, the

comments from previous episodes/reviews? Or episode comments from this particular episode review.
Because, as far as I know, I've read every single comment so far, actually more than once. God, i hate this format! I have not seen anyone say they are fucking. Dj was the first person that i saw bring it up.. he said it

it's a wig box. it's tall enough to hold a styrofoam head form, plus the wig.

Leonard Cohen does that for me. Fuck..he's 81 and he'd be welcome to park his shoes on the side of my bed any time!
Oddly enough, I don't find his younger self attractive!!?? WTF!

Noreen. Her name is Noreen.

yup. orange was just the old orange

Was he?
Maybe. I just don't think he ever expected to be anything other than a warmonger. Certainly not a participant
The look of surprise and the way he ran, crazy ass and all legs ….not someone to be feared.
In fact, I think that is why he was there in the woods instead of Milligan… he was in charge of purchasing and

Well, I don't see her as womanly and mature.
She looks exactly like youngish women looked during the seventies.
Super skinny was not yet in vogue.
If you look at her, she wears her clothes well. Tucked in blouses…. blouses were very big back then, with a belt…. she has no belly, she has what was considered a very good