
This is one of the few areas where I'll give the writers a pass. People in real life are like this; it's fictional characters' consistency on moral issues that is contrived and unrealistic. Really, Rick is neither decent nor not-decent. Life is too chaotic, dangerous and changeable now to do what Rick does

I miss Beth.

You are missing out, sir. More spinach asparagus squash shrimp salad for me!

A very strong episode right after a mediocre one, AKA typical TWD.

I care about Glenn and Sasha, and I think Noah might have potential, actually.

lol - same here!

Interesting perspective. This really is a weird show of hard-to-define quality.

I agree, especially about this being the most worthy and respectful death of a main character yet seen on TWD.

Well put!

Season 2 of Black Sails has shot up a notch (or two) in quality. It's actually rather impressive, and if you waffled a bit about giving up on it, you might want to give it a second chance. That said, this episode of TWD affected me far more deeply than any episode of Black Sails ever has.

A lot of good observations here.

This is almost as sad as it hilarious.

I disliked plenty of things about this episode — and it was still way less than the amount of things I usually hate about episodes of this show — and I still watch it because, I don't know, this fucking show. Um, yeah. My point is, good to see a handful of people who agree with me on this being one of TWD's best

Honest question - Who the hell is gushing praise? I only read Alan Sepinwall and the A.V. Club on this show, and they both had similar middling reactions to this installment. I guess it's a good thing nobody's paying me to review TV, because despite my decidedly ambivalent feelings about TWD, I loved this ep.

While I bought into this episode and really appreciated it, I think this is essentially the most accurate and fair criticism I've seen of it.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so! A deeply flawed but truly beautiful episode.

Agreed. Whatever you feel about the text / subtext, this episode had some of the best acting and directing I've ever seen from this show.

Welp, I thought this episode was great. If you want to know why, go check out "profaneLakeman" 's comments on Alan Sepinwall's review. But here, I'll just say that I strongly disagree with this empty and vaguely sophomoric observation: "But two deaths like this, one on top of the other, and it’s hard to keep

I can't tell if you're serious or what because of your avatar and the fact that your comment sounds exactly like T-Rex talks in Dinosaur Comics.

Welp, Wiktionary agrees with you: http://en.wiktionary.org/wi… That's fascinating, but unfortunately this bastardization is so common that I suspect it will be considered proper English sooner or later, at least in the U.S. I resent being called a pretentious douchewaffle, when my actual failing was mere ignorance;