
Uh, you mean, correctly?

Eh, let's agree to disagree on the particulars about that moment, and agree to agree that this was a really poorly crafted episode.

You wouldn't care if it were Morgan? For shame. But it's Noah, obviously.

Having skimmed through all this, I have two things I want to chime in with here: 1. What Gorman did with the lollipop definitely seems to fit the definition of "sexual assault" to me. Ditto the scene in Dawn's office (yes, even though Beth nodded [while clearly, to anyone with a shred of empathy, agitated and not in

I thought so too for two seconds before I realized it was Carol.

Am I alone in thinking this episode was just, god-awful? Maybe the relatively strong start to this season made me forget how stupid this show can be. Bad fan-fiction writing, wooden direction, lame acting by the cop characters, implausibilities compounding upon themselves at every turn. Worst, I was teased with

I think it would have been much more interesting if the Governor actually agreed to Rick's proposal. But then the writers would have to deal with complicated character interactions for the foreseeable future rather than blow sh*t up for ten minutes and call it a day.

There wouldn't be any. Never mind. You win the internets.

Oh, bollocks, don't get your panties in a bundle; you know, I don't disagree with anything you've just said (although there ARE some very, very rare people like Einstein who are literally different on a physiological level and have brains that put yours or mine to shame, and their genius status has a lot more to do

It seems self-explanatory to me. A genius could think of more and better survival strategies. But I'm not sure if that's right; geniuses might also be more prone to emotional instability and personality tics that could, conversely, inhibit survival. Fortunately, it's not like we can test the hypothesis in the real

I mean straight up, genius-level or near intellect. Above average. I thought of Michonne, but it's hard to say how much raw intelligence she has based on what we've seen. She sure is genre savvy, though.

Well, I'd imagine geniuses would be somewhat more likely to survive in the zombie apocalypse, no? I remember in World War Z, many of the surviving characters seemed to be very intelligent. But that wasn't a random cross-section of society like Walking Dead, I guess.

Well, that's fine, but any intelligence he had was merely an Informed Ability. And I was referring more to actual sheer IQ rather than book or street smarts.

Milton was an idiot. Almost got himself bitten because he thought he could reason with a zombie. Nerdy =/= intelligent.

This just made me realize… why are there no SMART characters on this show? Statistically you'd think we'd have run into one genius by now. Street smart people, we have a few, but I mean really intelligent. The last one we saw, IMHO, was the guy who blew up the complex in Season 1. Any non-suicidal Mensa-eligible