
True, true… Gimple's got me all torn up inside! :P For me, at least, I can slide pretty easily from guffawing hate-watching to genuine appreciation for solid episodes, though. This show is all over the place, but damn it, I always find it entertaining, albeit often for reasons unintended by its makers.

The director is probably heavily involved in those decisions, though

Well said. Unfortunately, I don't think we oughta hold our breath waiting for so much (or any) nuance from these writers.

Bingo. Mind-numbingly idiotic storytelling.

. . . . The hell did I just watch? That was so thoroughly ill-conceived and poorly executed, I'm almost impressed! Welp, at least this show is wildly uneven, so I can still be hopeful that this was just flukily godawful and the show will return to being mediocre to good.

Considering past grades here I honestly expected this to get like a C+.

I watched an episode or two of that crap . . . it was a horrendous waste of Lennie Jameses.

More like 60-something minutes, not counting commercials (as opposed to the normal 40-something).

"Second, though I may be the only one, I'm REALLY glad Sasha/Glenn didn't
kill Gabriel/Nicholas. I think it would have further alienated that
group from the good, naive people of Alexandria, and also, that whole
moral center thing."


Yeah, I hoped that was just the shitty writing providing her with an Informed Ability that would actually be real anyway, but her savviness level seems to have diminished rapidly since that first episode with her. Shame, all this tension between her and Rickites feels so contrived.

That's an understandable reaction (indeed even as I was appreciating it I noted that most people would just laugh and shake their heads at "this stupid show"). I guess I give them a little more credit / benefit of the doubt for their grittiness; I think the show is pretty darn uneven, and usually melodramatic

Yeah, but that was stupid. She SHOULD have her sword! It's friggin' USEFUL! Being able to slice and dice zombies at a moment's notice trumps any silly, nebulous symbolism any day in my book.

I actually love the idea of Deanna and I liked her fine until this episode — I blame shitty writing. Even if her son just died, a "master poker player" would not become so biased, blind and useless instantly.

Hmmm. I believe you are the target demo?

I had no idea what the fuck you were talking about, then realized which show had characters with those names, then google did the rest, and, well . . . Man, I love the internet.

I actually really enjoyed that they decided to say "fuck it" and go with that take anyway. She had just fallen down in some dirty patch of straw, it makes sense she had some stuck in her hair. And it's true to life in general — I can't tell you how many times I've seen somebody saying something emotional or serious

I doubt there's more to it. Part of what made it a great moment for me was that Michonne clearly didn't want to have to do that, but she saw it as necessary, and Michonne Gets Shit Done.

"Basically, when a cast member dies the rest do their best to make
his/her final wish come true no matter how crazy it is. If one of the
gay guys die they're going to be looking for license plates forever." Oh my God… brilliant. Thank you for this priceless insight!