
Even hotter now than she was before, imo. Lady aged like the finest of wines

call of duty modern warfv 2 is da best game of all time if u dnt think so ur a retard lmao XD u probly got quickscoped noob

7 seasons later…

That's legal here in Canada.


I know how to take them off, which is all that really matters

No Gone Girl or Nightcrawler for Best Picture noms? Of course the Academy would ignore truly great, bold movies for middle-of-the-road Muzak movies like Imitation Game and Theory of Everything

Did you tip your fedora at her too?

This sounds exactly like the kind of crazy, over-the-top, convoluted-mythology space opera that I absolutely adore

Well I was feeling pretty good about finally breaking the 200 lb barrier for my bench press, but after reading this I feel like a fluffy little puppy :(

Muslim dude checking in, will field any questions you guys may have about inter-Muslim dating (is that a word?)

My first girlfriend in high school was a Hijabi with very strict Muslim parents (I'm Muslim too btw [well my family is, I'm not religious]) and she was by far the most liberal girl I've been with. And I mean that in both how her mindset was and the fact that she was a goddamn FREAK in bed.

Yes, the super rich, incredibly influential and unbelievably beautiful celebrity sure could do with a few more breaks in her life.

"…among all the strangely model-attractive soldiers"

I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies on Friday. It was OK, great spectacle but ultimately pretty empty.

A little late to the party but I just watched it, and I more or less enjoyed it all the way through. It felt less like a movie and more like the climax of one big story, but there's not point in bitching about the that now. It was great for what it was, one long extended battle sequence, and I liked it more than the

I will openly admit that I love doing bro things with my boys, like lifting weights at the gym, talking sports or just speaking like douchey dudebros (ironically!), but goddamn, Entourage just makes me want to punch every one of its obnoxious, nimrod characters in the fucking face. And don't even get me started on its

Eh seen that already

As a non-white person, I think that this whole uproar over "appropriation" by privileged upper-middle class white people is a bunch of self-righteous, obnoxious bullshit.

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