
Not a surprise really, my first reaction was "Isn't he a bit uh, advanced" but what the hell some have stayed in past 90…

Yeah i feel real bad now…called out by a stranger on a message board. Not…

Do you feel better now that you got that out? Did that make your life more worthwhile? Glad i could help you out. Catch Up Next Tuesday.

Because she said she was donating divorce settlement. And hasn't…so far.

But if she wins will she give all the settlement to charity? Haha

Replacing nearly all of the major characters (and turning one of the few others into a Nazi) like dominos seems to me at least a step too far. Not WHO they replaced them with just the fact, You can do too much too soon.

I think Z'dar was more jaw than chin though…

In the GRAVE!!! Lol.

First Amendment rights end when it does actual harm to another person don't they?

I remember the first Mass Effect being a lot more basic than the other two, if this is a basically a new development team maybe they'll learn from there mistakes for the next go 'round…or beg Casey Hudson to come back. Lol

I remember when Shannon said Trump supporters should die and "make room" Good times

Well they've said a patch in the future will fix "lots of issues" so…

Uh, probably a hell of a lot more people than watch anything the A.V. covers and reviews. Lol.

Aye yai yai

Maybe now Cobie Smulders will wake up and say "WTF am i doing with this fool" Lol.

Just Time travel Laura/X 23 into the modern day and you've got the clawed sociopath roll covered for 20 or 30 years. Lol.

And people bitched about Adrian Brody…these guys look like they'd last about five minutes. Lol.

Never heard of the band but had a quick look, seems they were fairly positively reviewed at the time…who exactly was shitting on them?

The part about "leaving" your hell ties in with the Alan Moore concept of Hell in Swamp Thing that Neil Gaiman ran with…basically that man not God created Hell and "You don't have to stay anywhere forever"

I do like that red font, be cool if it stuck through release.