
I don't disagree on that, i just question the rush to judgement…a contentious divorce should at least warrant a grain of salt, and if it's all true which it may very well be does that negate the work that i might add a LOT of other people contributed to.

Isn't it great we live in a society that doesn't rush to judge and condemn based on one side of an complex thing like bitter divorces…oh, wait…

So someone has bad words for an ex and we take it as read? Cole has no possible ulterior motive? Also i would remind that in the series finale of Buffy she has a long speech about overturning the "rules" of said men by empowering all potential slayers by way of a woman (Willow) "more powerful than all of them"

Nah, he left to listen to jazz…apparently. Lol.

Until we get an absolute answer I'm not sure this is Bill's end, her last scene could be read as a permanent or temporary goodbye. Either she's gone or returns in Chibnall's first episode, i think either could fit…the whole "I can make you human again" line sounds suspiciously open ended…perhaps one last Moffat fake

Well just to use Genesis not working on the Saint as ONE example doesn't that foreshadow that it almost certainly won't work on God? Might make Jesse's meeting with him kinda anticlimactic…

Verbatim? No, just not change for change's sake…if there's a legitimate storytelling reason.

More unnecessary fuckery with the source material…ugh.

Restrained shrug? Seems like it did pretty good box office and overall positive critically…

6 years? When 95% of shows don't make 2? Poor, poor millionaire…

Will we get "whitewashing" outrage?

Branagh looks like he's playing Wyatt freaking Earp…Why bother with this? David Suchet's Poirot is definitive and their Orient adaptation was imho untouchable, plus super early Jessica Chastain, which I'll take over anyone in this…

Is it me or is the God Indra's accent less…Indian than before?

If they'd have also said "and more snark" the A.V. would've lost their shit!

Hollywood's "creative accounting" is infamous…New Line actually claimed it lost money on the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, and i seem to remember Sony making the same claim about Raimi's first Spiderman. One thing is advertising should be included with budget figures.

I remember a lot of media hailing Chipotle as this great place that was so much better than other fast food chains, like pretentiously positive. Not so much anymore!

Surprised Erika Christensen is in this given her being such a devout Scientologist…and how they consider Christ to be an alien brainwashing implant…

Blade lost me when Frost showed up in daylight by wearing "sunscreen"

Actually that makes total sense…

Great, I've always wondered what would happen in an alternate scifi universe after the indians beat the pilgrims!