
Don't Judge me!!! Haha

Maybe, i haven't kept up with that…she's messing with her meal ticket if she does though (pun NOT intended)

That's more of a "real world" non Hollywood equation…

Eh, you forget he was a MAN. Lol.

If they play it as straight up evil it could be interesting…first comic adaptation featuring a villain's POV. Not holding my breath though, misunderstood anti-hero is surely where they'll go…

Didn't you get the memo? Overweight and loud=hilarious! Lol.

I'll bet Vincent Cassel is still really bummed about the Monica Bellucci situation…i would be…

A d+ is really pushing it IMHO…for my money this was the best episode since The Reichenbach Fall, Heavily thematic (Eurus, all brain and no human context shows Sherlock his series long anti-emotion stance leads to a dark place) And callbacks to tie off things hanging since the beginning (Lestrades's "He's more than

Remember when The Oompa Loompa said "second ammendment folks" should do…something…if Hilary won? Good times…

Be interesting if Lady Gaga goes the whole nine with the hideous ghoulmonster transformation into Donatella.

My issue with 24 was always Bauer being framed and or going rogue every season, the equivalent of a character coming down the stairs and misshearing the worst part of a conversation…but there were times when the end of episode ticking clock was exciting as hell.

But Marvel's a PC dream come true now! Every major character has been replaced! And they're apparently on a major "shove Captain Marvel down their throats" binge…doesn't that count for anything? Lol.

I liked the "It's gone downhill" dig…nice bit of fan needling from Moffat. Also i bet the "just stick to canon" purists lost their damn minds with that last five mins. Lol.

If he's serious he's got as good a chance as anybody…none of the current crop has a chance against orange Hitler anyway.

Couldn't Superman have put his hand over Zod's eyes? Or just like dragged him into the sky?

Yeah, point…

Cottonmouth dying marked a change in the show's tone for me, Diamondback seemed less "real world". I actually think Cottonmouth in that super suit might've sold well.

Funny that this is the most "natural" I've ever seen her, aware that it's scripted and heavily rehearsed but still the best impression of a human she's managed.

He's pretty far from a "militant atheist" every interview I've seen him asked about religion he backtracks and changes the subject pretty quickly.

Wonder if it'll be a "flashback" film to a no grey hair Batman?