doug r

"The word "Chippie" as slang for CHP officer dates to the 1950s or earlier, but was rarely used until popularized by this show. The word "CHiP" was coined by the producers after the network balked at the name "Chippies"."

The tv show already messed with the nickname. Apparently in California, everyone calls them Chippies.

Makes more sense than coming back from the dead.


No credit for "E" in the IMdB cast list for this episode. And Mary appears in two more episodes….

The only thing that could have made his post death computer scene in Captain America Winter Soldier more horrifying.

I she really dead, though? The way they all stood around like it was to fool either Watson or the secretary and get Mary off a hit list?
Grasping at straws, I know.

Judge Dredd predicted Trump.

Is it as bad as looking at naked pictures of her?
Does this mean bears are evil?

It's called "Last Man On Earth".

Sounds like our decision to cut back on cable this summer might be paying off.

So when does she discover the hatch from Lost, enter the code and go back in time?

Vendetta! <shudders>

If it's good enough for Al F*ckin' Swearengen hisself, Ian McShane to show up in one episode of GOT and end up swinging on a tree, then dammit, Daniel Radcliffe can do it too!

Try Robot Chicken.

I know you mean American Dad.

She did nothing illegal. There wasn't even regulations against it until after she left state. He's off point there. It just bugs me, is all.

What do you think of CK saying Hillary should be in jail?

Naked ambition and lust for power sounds more like the homunculus with the orange ferret on his head.

Very reminiscent of 30 rock Kenneth's calm recollections of his horrific hometown.