doug r

But if his employment contract wasn't legal to start with…


Justice League Berlanti style.

The closer they get to Canada, the more Republicans love their Calgary Cruz.

Would explain the extreme deference to crazy Chuck.

There better be an Emmy for Rhea after this….

Like they say, a day late, a dollar short.

Hey, it had boobies.Still, what a piece of soul destroying crap.

Jimmy was right

Damn good alignment on that cut and paste, I swear the new document looked straighter.

It's already eight people after about sixteen episodes and that's after killing off two. I know there's a few more out there.

Still could be a searching flashback next episode.

Last Man On Earth has done a much better job of rebuilding and that's with eight people.

He was charming and frightening in Watchmen.

Oh, public domain Hydra?

In her defense, she's a big girl and any small coverage clothes they made for her would probably move around on the ride. I guess she could have worn a bikini bottom and some tape, but maybe that didn't work somehow.

Watching her as a little girl saving that family, that's why I watch superhero shows :)

Red kryptonite supergirl was very reminiscent of 1938 superman. He did the drop to a few lowlifes to get them to talk
Now it's bad, well I suppose if they're supposed to be your friend. ..