doug r

"goes to far"?
Looks like your proof reader doesn't go far enough.

Took my future wife to a midnight show of that after taking her to Twins. We're still together.

Plus Fringe went over a lot of the same ground. JJ Abrams has no original thoughts.

Awkward title, especially when translated from the original German.

Rod and Stick? Don't you mean Rod and Todd?

Skinner is a weiner…

Good to see some sexual energy in characters that have been around for 26 years.

That was nice to see Abe kickin' ass.

Lately, every time they do an underage joke, I yell at the tv about the 26 years plus whatever age the character is.

I know, actual growth and aging. "Ruined environment" are such harsh words. More like Springfield, Oregon would have drier summers and resort to fake grass like California. More like an acceptance of the new reality.

Didn't see the Gotham cops wearing any vests in the first season, yet the entire task force wears swat vests.

It was the mayor of Gotham's limo, so why wouldn't it be armored?

At worst it's a CRTC/FCC violation worthy of a fine to HBO.

Pretty sure it's unconstitutional

His father Pierre Elliott Trudeau started off with the NDP and got tired of the futility and switched to the Liberals. His mom was pretty much a hippie, much younger than his father.

I wondered why she was cop when I heard the triple major, but when she tells the story of what happened to her dad, I realized we were looking at Bruce Wayne II