doug r

Still a bit leery at being owned by Kabletown, but it's not like Sheinhart wigs was paying anyway.

I don't think I have the discipline to work full time from home. Although my wife and I worked as bike couriers when we lived in a tower downtown, so you'd be in the elevator going down and clocking in on the radio like you're on the road already.

She's in Avatar

Still mad at mommy

Yeah, we can't really afford it here either.

Stein didn't help.

The ONLY difference between other animals and us is a thin layer of brain tissue that says "don't do that".

Southwest British Columbia climate is the same as Seattle.

We sort of welcome refugees here in Canada.

His broflakes are. Bernie's more of a wilful ignorance.

Bernie would be what,79? Older than second term Reagan or the current dementia patient.

Are the dead ender broflakes even aware of how racist they are? Are they even aware?

I loved the Demons in the Donut shop. Wonderful to see those character actors get some time in the spotlight.

Hard to twirl a mustache when you don't have one, although as one reviewer points out, Billy Zane manages in Titanic.

Exactly. Steve provides a conduit for guys and people not from Thermoscya to relate to.
And they cast Captain Kirk. C'mon they {SPOILER?} Probably kill him off, let him have some screen time. (anyone who reads comic books knows Steve may not be dead, duh).

Maybe they could form some kind of League?

Dalek looks a lot like a refrigerator on the inside.

I'm not Scottish, but I can see Scotland's point of England begging them to stay and then voting to leave the EU feeling like a massive bait and switch.

Senator Franken did a wonderful takedown of supreme Court nominee gorsuch. Unfortunately the filibuster got nuked.

Is that where she and her trusted soldier and child surrogate crash land on a planet occupied by space monks/prisoners?