
ST:TNG "The Royale" borrowed heavily from "The Questor Tapes," right down to Data altering weighted dice at the craps table.

More insulting than "Up The Long Ladder"?

He does end up getting chummy with Miles O'Brien, RAF-vs.-Luftwaffe style.

Makes me think of William Windom in "The Doomsday Machine."

"Unamatrix Zero" is the episode that brought me back to Voyager after having thrown my hands up in disgust around season four. I stumbled on that episode in real time and ended up sticking with the show through its last season. Glad I did—the finale rocked (which is much more than I can say for DS9's finale).

"Would you three like to be alone?"

Picard also surrenders (to Riker!) in "A Matter Of Honor."

… and the "Bernie or bust" bros.

@Richard Ramsawh, they showed someone (i.e., the demon-thing) in a spacesuit just before Jemma escaped.

The boxing glove is connected to his arm by a pantograph.

Hi. I'm Oliver, the new AV Club wine critic.

Certainly true of his "Blacklist" reviews. If you hate the show so much, write about something else.

(Sometimes it takes 12 years to contract canceraids.)

"Year of Hell"!

(Eight months after the fact)


That was my first reaction to seeing it on the list. "Wait, that's a comedy? I must have really missed something."

I'm happy with anybody using whatever labels they like, but I choose not to refer to myself as "cis," partly because I think language is best used to communicate meaning rather than being mutated to enforce social change. I don't think that makes me a bad person or a bad ally, just a testy copy editor.