
Here's a photo of one square kilometer of the Sahara desert. It proves that earth has no food or water, and anyone who goes there will die.

Loved the film, good review, and I enjoyed the hat-tip to Bojack Horseman.

I appreciated that the movie didn't go full Model R.

Quinn's characterization of Hughes was a nice counterpoint to Dean Stockwell's chilling performance in "Tucker: The Man and His Dream" just a couple of years before.

Even P-40s that go under water couldn't make me like that movie. Oh but I wished so much that it would have been good!

Actually the phrase "legitimate theater" has been around forever. It has a specific meaning historically but now AFAIK it's pretty much a quick way to distinguish regular theater from musicals.

"Conspiracy" is great. I had forgotten that it was S1. But I would also stand up for "The Naked Now," "Datalore," "11001001," and one or two others. I think the real stinkers in S1—and there were several—tarnish the season overall.

A coworker requests that you call him or her by a nickname. You can agree or not, regardless of the backstory. If someone's name in the company phone book is Joe, I'm perfectly within my rights to keep calling him Joe, not Snookie. There's no reason to make a federal case about it.

"unhygenic goy." Goyim is plural.

The "dolphin," aka "sea giraffe"