
Normally I'd be firmly against a BR sequel, but considering Villeneuve is directing it, I look forward to it. It might not be awful.

People don't give a shit if news is fake, as long as it in accordance with their worldview. A friend of mine showed me blatantly false news one day, I told him it was fake and a quick Google search proved me right. He responded with an Oh, turned away to another friend and showed him the news like nothing happened.

So, Robby was completely excluded from the gift giving? No one seems to really give a crap about him.

President Donald Trump met with Kanye West to talk about life and Rick Perry is the secretary of a department he can't name and wants to get rid of.

So if they boycott it, I won´t sit next to a white supremacist in the theater. What is the problem again?

Suicide Squad moved on him like a bitch.

Better than 4? I think not, but it is a close second.

"I'm, like, a smart person."

To be fair, Macy was a far bigger star when it started so it makes sense he was paid more. The back pay thing does seem ridiculous.

Who really gives a shit?

What a horrible embarrassment and permanent stain on America.

There is still a part of me that still rejects the fact that this shitwit will be the next president. I went through all stages of grief and circled back to denial.

"Human society runs on stories"

Harry being rich was helping the story, so the character could buy and explore everything without hassle. It was not a character attribute.

Most of Voldemort followers are old money types. Malfoys, Lestranges, Blacks, Barty Crouch Jr. etc. The heroes are all working class types, even Harry.

Well, he isn't wrong.

The big problem with this criticism is that the president is so incredibly thin skinned that he attacks anyone who dares to make fun of him. He can't just let it slide, he has to say something back. Every bloody little thing gets under his skin.

Why not ditch the brooms and do it on rollerblades. Seems a lot more exciting that way. Also, get rid of the bludgers, just have the beaters hit people with bats to make them fall. The snitch would be someone in golden rollerblades the seeker have to catch. I´d watch that.

I've heard enough Bernie folks say the exact same thing.

Goddamn, you die hard Bernie supporters really are the most conceited, self-important and annoying people out there.