
I'm not being hopeless, I'm being realistic.

Oh, fuck right off with this constant stream of faux optimistic bullshit.

I thought we were better than this, I really did.

Despite not resembling the books, they are very entertaining films. I loved the first one quite a bit, the second was decent but not great. But both are far better than the BBC garbage, let alone Elementary.

When I read the title, I genuinely thought I was on The Onion for a second.

Trump TV, for when Fox News is just too fair and balanced.

Goddamn, these people make Scientologists look like pacifists.

I'm more of an Alan Rickman guy myself, but the Dame sure has class.

Considering most of them are preteens and teens, I'm fine with that.

I love the books, but this is too much. Rowling is going full Lucas, you never go full Lucas.

I like how even on the toilet, Gerald still drinks (memberberry) wine while trolling.

I am so fucking tired of this election and the constant verbal diarrhea this monster spouts. This is not going to end with the election is it?

Wait, is Archer going to be his own dad?

I'm guessing next elections will have presidential nominees go on Wipeout.

On the Late Show when Trump was a guest, Colbert apologized for insulting him.

Can´t say I was surprised, just irritated. I was more surprised, and disappointed, when Colbert apologized to Trump.

There was an article by Politico that Trump now has a legitimate path towards 270 electoral votes, and that he cracked the electoral college lock. And he is outpolling Hillary in several swing states. So forgive me for not finding him funny any longer.

Even if he isn't apocalyptic, he does legitimize white supremacy and nationalism, hate and violence towards muslims and Mexicans, and bullies everyone who dares to disagree. His populism has a very corrosive effect, even if he doesn't do all he says.

What an unbelievably big piece of shit.