
So, Mel has become a medical examiner.

Holy shit, Dennis Duffy was right, technology is cyclical.

“I know you’re trying your hardest to prove you’re my biggest fan. And I don’t want to have to find someone else.”

That'll show him.

For the sake of your own sanity, don't go on the foxnews website. Your soul might try to kill itself.

At least 1-5 were all distinctly different, 6 and 7 are basically the same.

Schadenfreude has never tasted quite so bitter.

This episode felt like less than the sum of it's parts. It had great moments, but overall it was okay.

The only good spider is a dead spider.

I was pretty disappointed with these, I just expected more from Chappelle. It wasn't as bad as Amy Schumer Leather Special, but not great either.

Doesn't Jess have a job as principal? How can she just up and leave to Portland?

You are so incredibly naïve that it's really difficult to have a normal conversation with you. I'm not going to continue this, you made your point and I made mine. Let's leave it at that. Have fun losing elections.

You probably don't realize how condescending you are, do you? And it is utterly pointless to discuss an issue if you continue to make personal assumptions about me. Look, if someone voted for their own misery, don't expect any sympathy from me.

Your oh so enlightened holier than thou attitude is also not a good look. I do have a lot a compassion, just not any for those on the other side. Not anymore. Not after all the hateful, destructive shit they pulled or voted for.

Neither will covering for trump or saving people who voted for him or bailing them out. Fuck them. They wanted this and they should feel every consequence. If that's what it takes for these people to snap out of their delusions, so be it. You won't win any elections with sympathy.

I agree 100%. Let them feel the consequences of their own stupidity and short sightedness.

CBS did a piece on a Trump supporter who was shocked to see that her Meals on Wheels was going to be cut. Absolutely 0 sympathy for her, her own stupidity and short sightedness caused this. I also will not donate, I won't bail Trump and her out. Let them feel the consequences of their stupidity.

You do know that Lufthansa is considered a cheap, shitty option in Europe? You can do so much better.

I'm guessing without Jess, Nick and Reagan will fall apart. Nick will surprise Jess and propose, and all ends well. I do hope it won´t be this cliche.

I choose to forget this.