
Having Shia and Jared Leto on the SS set would have led to some interesting shenanigans.

Nick "don't trust your government, kids" Miller will probably not vote at all.

Wat an exhausting person.

This is an outrageously stupid idea. Do they get ideas by letting manatees pick balls?

Starring Chow Yun-Fatwa.

We hunted the mammoth goes from funny to scary really quickly.

This whole thing has just as much to do with Ghostbusters as gamergate had with ethical gaming journalism.

Positively surprised by this. I did not think there would be such a quick response, and certainly not by HSI. Good news for once.

It would have been more surprising if people knew about it. There is something about McConaughey talking into an empty void that just seems right.

I think the panels were just too short. They could only disqus the superficial, make a joke or two and promote the guests new album or movie. Very little room for a discussion. I will agree that the timing is indeed aggravatingly stupid.

Despite the issues it had, like the weak panel, I will really miss it.

Cohen has a glitchy face.

I am a yuuge HP fan, but enough is enough. She is going full George Lucas, you never go full Lucas.

It feels like even a year after it started, they still don't really know what direction they want to go in. It never really improved. Most of the sketches are still pretty bad and the panel discussion is waaay too short.

Goddamn, this episode hit like a sledgehammer. Both the highest and lowest point of the series. Bojack kills.

Male co-stars, or bro-stars if you will.

Talent? Unless you're talking about the talent to miss cues, not really.

I am embarrassingly excited for this.

Well, that looks absolutely god awful.

Picard is perhaps the best, but my personal favorite is Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. Nothing compares to In The Pale Moonlight.