
Not even The Onion could come up with this shit.

Not sure if I should reference Robocop or Judge Dredd.

Considering they spun a fistbump into a terrorist fist jab, they will spin this one too. Racism, uh, finds a way.

Happy to see more Luigi Archer, but 8 a season really isn't a lot.

This episode really highlights why I dislike Jon Snow, what a dumb asshole. He gets warned about Ramsay and immediately falls in the most obvious trap. Good thing Sansa didn't tell him about the Vale army, he would have fucked that one up too.

So Luke is like the real life inspiration for Ramsay Bolton.

Yes, how unreasonable of her to not apologise to her rapist.

The power of Patty, not the power of pain. See necklace. Does not make the scene any less awful though.

The Goblin King is dead, long live the Goblin King.

How appropriate that he wears a fedora in his Twitter pic.