Matt Dean

Yara Shahidi has really been coming into her own as Zoey on the show from being a ditzy teen stereotype to more like Shahidi IRL (as she has admitted herself), so I could see it happening and being a success.

This is a dumb nitpick and has no correlation to the story whatsoever, but the supermarket scene with Dr. K irked me a bit because all of the packaging on the name brand cereal boxes like Frosted Flakes were all so clearly modern looking. (I'll give the generic brand stuff a pass since it's not nearly as specific.)

Waiting for the inevitable Pizza Planet movie where there's at least one character or reference from every Pixar movie ever made dispersed throughout.

Which actresses from any other of Michael Schur's shows could pull off playing a neutral character, assuming it goes that route?

Well, think of it this way…nobody can say that Tim Burton doesn't hire people of color in his movies anymore, right?????

I think it's because Colbert had Trump on his CBS show early on in its run and he dropped the ball on grilling him with tough questions and instead stuck with a more cordial act. Every monologue he have given since tearing into the Trump administration is him kicking himself in the foot, in a way.

Yeah, I'm glad they shut that "love triangle" shit down real quick. I was about to roll my eyes to the back of my head if that was going to become a recurring thing.

On that day 2016 will die a gruesome and warranted death.

From the sound of things, this show in no way was going to normalize or portray the KKK in an endearing light, it was very much going to expose how horrible it truly is. I mean, I sorta get why people would feel uneasy (and rightfully so), but I don't think A&E should have backed down. Better to call this hate group

If it's any consolation, we never got a "Doug's Second Movie" or "Third Movie", so hey.

That and Todd's panic every time he saw it are at least a little deserving of a bump up on the grading scale.

You could ask the same of New Girl. It's been five years. She ain't new anymore!

I don't watch The Daily Show but this interview was excellent on its own merits. Hopefully it will help Trevor Noah come into his own if he hasn't already considering many still seem divided about his host work on the show despite that it's been well over a year since he began.

For as deadpan as Andre Braugher is, he sure had a ton of vocal, loud moments in this episode.


Low key, I love Frieda. She's naive but never malicious or condescending towards Issa, which is more than can be said about the rest of her shitty ass coworkers. Seriously, Issa went from mentally telling her off for making an unintentionally backwards statement at the start of the season to gossiping and sharing a

I'm still trying to piece together what the point of the confrontation between Issa/Frieda and the parking enforcement officer was, a moment this review kinda glossed over (and I don't blame the author for doing so). I get that it was supposed to show how Issa's guilt was seeping its way into her every day life, but

His first appearance in Civil War alone made an immensely good impression on me, so I look forward to seeing more of him, as long as he doesn't enter an Asshole Peter Parker phase in his third standalone Spider-Man movie.

OOP. That's what I get for being an uncultured swine.

Starring Simon Pegg as Sean! No? I'll see myself out, then.