Matt Dean

What hit me the hardest was how little of the other residents of The Good Place were seen for the most part. Sure, we got Eleanor's flashbacks when she was alive a few scenes at the train station, but it primarily starred the show's main players and what few background characters there were made haste when Trevor and

Remember when it was announced that a prominent character in the main cast was going to come out this season? Well, this episode pretty much gave it away.

Every week I have to wonder what the show's building up to with Melissa's increasing madness. Can't help but shake the feeling that the payoff is going to be detrimental to the entire group in some shape or form.

It's amazing how many of us are on that same mindset after that travesty of a season premiere. You can watch two back-to-back episodes of Last Man On Earth and still get more out of it in that hour than one lousy episode of The Walking Dead by itself.

I don't know why, but I fucking lost it when Zorn pulled out the instrument comprised of human throats. It was so bizarre and macabre, but it felt oddly befitting of his culture.

Tuning into The Good Place last Thursday, I left the last few minutes of Superstore on, and I thought I had spotted him in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene. Glad my initial suspicions have been confirmed.

I could deal with the homicides (cringeyness be damned), but the moment where they showed Glenn with the little biracial baby in the fake dinner scene is what did me in.

I am grateful this episode had so much Janet focus because she is truly one of my favorite aspects of this show. Even the infantile, rebooted Janet had her moments. (The altered outfit and ponytail were an especially nice touch. Is it weird that it just now reminded me of reformed Crystal Gems?)

Not sure if it's any better that the money that would go towards use of the Peanuts characters was exerted on a half assed logo, but you know.

Last's weeks episode was so great, and this week's episode just…wasn't. It felt like it was dragging on forever. Ugh. What happened?

It's a magical place ship

And the Chihadni shippers went wild. (Tahidi? Tachaidni? Whatever.)

Shut your fucking face, Unca Kyle!

To his credit, this is also the first time I've heard of nerdcore hip-hop as well.

God, those commercials had me rolling from start to finish. "THE PRICE IS ON THE CAN, THOUGH" and the third Dodge commercial got me the hardest. Paper Boi not giving a shit throughout the entire Montauge show was the icing on the cake.

Watching this end of the crossover made me realize just how different the B99's world feels when it's filmed with a steady camera instead of a shaky cam. It's subtle but it makes all the difference.

I can forgive the shoehorned Jess at the end because the rest of the episode was solid Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Although the "it's a crossover (vehicle)" line from Jess was cheeky and stupid enough to make me chuckle.

The scene where Homer scolds Bart for wearing the Americans hat as well as the scene near the end where Homer struggles to put it on himself were the noticeably better looking sequences that stood out to me.

The only reason this movie found its way into my radar is because the trailer was screened in front of Finding Dory and I said "Whoa hey! That's pretty neat!" when the hand drawn animated parts came up, because admittedly, they were.

I caught on to that, too! That attention to detail was pretty great.